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Greenhouse gas effect caused by mangrove forest conversion is quite significant

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Greenhouse gas effect caused by mangrove forest conversion is quite significant April 10, 2017, Author: Chris Branam, Oregon State University Extension Service, CORVALLIS, Ore. - Clear-cuttin READ MORE

Cyclic drought threatens to destabilise Amazon

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Cyclic drought threatens to destabilise Amazon March 16, 2017, by Tim Radford Climate News Network A dangerous mix of human-caused devastation and cyclic drought could start a vicious circle o READ MORE

A New Global Tinderbox: The World’s Northern Forests

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A New Global Tinderbox: The World’s Northern Forests, October 1, 2015, By Ed Struzik, Environment 360, Rapidly rising temperatures, changes in precipitation, and increased lightning strikes ar READ MORE

Badru's Story: Inside Africa's Impenetrable Forest

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Badru's Story: Inside Africa's Impenetrable Forest, By Benjamin Drummond and Sara Joy Steele, E360 Video, "Badru's Story," which documents the work of researchers in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrabl READ MORE

The Rapid and Startling Decline Of World's Vast Boreal Forests

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The Rapid and Startling Decline Of World's Vast Boreal Forests, October 23, 2015 Report, By Jim Robbins, Yale Environment 360, Scientists are becoming increasingly concerned about the fate of READ MORE

Are Sierra Nevada wildfires getting worse now with climate change?

Votes:14 Comments:0
Are Sierra Nevada wildfires getting worse now with climate change?, July 27, 2015, By Henry Gass, Staff Writer, The Christian Science Monitor, Researchers from the University of California, Da READ MORE

Boreal forests threatened by climate change

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Boreal forests threatened by climate change, August 21, 2015, By Books Hays, UPI.com, LAXENBURG, Austria, Aug. 21 (UPI) -- The loss of forest mostly calls to mind the clearing of precious rainfo READ MORE

Climate change could triple Amazon drought, study finds

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Climate change could triple Amazon drought, study finds, October 13, 2015, By Chelsea Harvey, The Washington Post, President Philip Duffy discusses his work on extreme Amazonian weather and glob READ MORE

The future of wildfires in a warming world

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The future of wildfires in a warming world, October 14, 2015, From: University of Wyoming, Environmental News Network, The history of wildfires over the past 2,000 years in a northern Colorado READ MORE

High-altitude climate change to kill cloud forest plants

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High-altitude climate change to kill cloud forest plants, August 7, 2015, James Cook University, ScienceDaily.com, Scientists have discovered many tropical, mountaintop plants won't survive gl READ MORE

Drought May Stunt Forests' Ability to Capture Carbon

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Drought May Stunt Forests' Ability to Capture Carbon, July 30, 2015, By Bobby Magill, ClimateCentral.org, Forests are sometimes called the lungs of the earth - they breathe in carbon dioxide i READ MORE

Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide makes trees use water more efficiently

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Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide makes trees use water more efficiently, May 11, 2015, PhysOrg, The increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration has allowed trees across Europe to use their av READ MORE

Western US faces worsening wildfires

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Western US faces worsening wildfires, By Tim Radford, Climate News Network, LONDON, 21 April - Wildfires in the western United States are getting worse. In the last 30 years they have become both READ MORE

Forest canopies buffer against climate change

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Forest canopies buffer against climate change, April 29, 2015, The University of Montana, Science Daily, When temperatures rise and less water falls, forests respond. Forest canopies can buffer READ MORE

With Deaths of Forests, a Loss of Key Climate Protectors

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With Deaths of Forests, a Loss of Key Climate Protectors, By Justin Gillis, October 1, 2011, New York Times, A five page all-text article with an 08:00 minute video. READ MORE

Giant Sequoias Face Looming Threat from Shifting Climate

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Giant Sequoias Face Looming Threat from Shifting Climate, March 21, 2013 Analysis, By Bruce Dorminey, Yale Environment 360, All-text article. READ MORE

Fires Burn More Fiercely As Northern Forests Warm

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Fires Burn More Fiercely As Northern Forests Warm April 25, 2013 Report, By Dylan Walsh, Yale Environment 360, All-text article. READ MORE

At Edge of Peruvian Andes, Tracking Impacts of Warming

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At Edge of Peruvian Andes, Tracking Impacts of Warming September 10, 2012 Report, By Elizabeth Kolbert, Yale Environment 360, Article with photo gallery. READ MORE

Wildfires are lasting longer

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Wildfires are lasting longer June 6, 2013, By Dave Armstrong, Earth Times Organization, Article with photo. READ MORE

Tropical forests 're-shaped' by climate changes

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Tropical forests 're-shaped' by climate changes February 18, 2011 By Mark Kinver Science and environment reporter, BBC News "Future climate change could change the profile of tropical forests, READ MORE

Ecologist: Up-and-Coming Forests Will Remain Important Carbon Sinks

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Ecologist: Up-and-Coming Forests Will Remain Important Carbon Sinks, Released: 8/8/2011, Source: Ohio State University, Newswise.com, All-text article. READ MORE

Future Forests May Soak Up More Carbon Dioxide than Previously Believed

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Future Forests May Soak Up More Carbon Dioxide than Previously Believed, Released: 10/13/2011, Source: University of Michigan, Newswise.com, All-text article. READ MORE

Wood Use Mitigates Climate Change

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Wood Use Mitigates Climate Change, Released: 11/14/2011, Source: SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, All-text article. READ MORE

Trees On Tundra's Border Are Growing Faster in a Hotter Climate

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Trees On Tundra's Border Are Growing Faster in a Hotter Climate, ScienceDaily, Nov. 10, 2011, Article with one photograph. READ MORE

What's Killing the Great Forests of the American West?

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What's Killing the Great Forests of the American West?, March 15, 2010, By Jim Robbins, Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Could a quarter of an inch mountain pin READ MORE

Savannas and Forests in a Battle of the Biomes

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Savannas and Forests in a Battle of the Biomes, ScienceDaily (Oct. 31, 2011), Reprinted from materials provided by Princeton University, Article with one photograph; click to enlarge. READ MORE

In Warming North, Some Trees Thrive as Others Ail

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In Warming North, Some Trees Thrive as Others Ail, November 11, 2011, By Andrew C. Revkin, NY Times Dot Earth Blog, "Some forests fringing Alaskan tundra are thriving amid sharp warming." Visit READ MORE

Global warming: Does albedo offset CO2?

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Global warming: Does albedo offset CO2?, Posted on October 20, 2011, by Bob Berwyn, Summit County Citizens Voice, All-text article. READ MORE

Can forests offset some climate change impacts?

Votes:36 Comments:0
Can forests offset some climate change impacts?, Posted on October 1, 2011, by Bob Berwyn, Summit County Citizens Voice, Article with photograph. READ MORE

Global warming: Forests not adapting as predicted

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Global warming: Forests not adapting as predicted, Posted on November 1, 2011, by Bob Berwyn, Summit County Voice, Article with photograph. READ MORE

Forest could replace much of Alaska's tundra by 2100

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Forest could replace much of Alaska's tundra by 2100, Doug O'Harra | Mar 13, 2011, AlaskaDispatch, All-text article. READ MORE

The World's Tropical Forests Are Already Feeling the Heat

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The World's Tropical Forests Are Already Feeling the Heat, 02 MAY 2011: ANALYSIS, By William Laurance, Yale Environment 360, "Much attention has been paid to how global warming is affecting the READ MORE

In the Mountains of the Moon, A Trek to Africa's Last Glaciers

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In the Mountains of the Moon, A Trek to Africa's Last Glaciers, Feb. 24, 2010 Report, By Tom Knudson, Yale Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Article with photo g READ MORE

How the Wrong Trees Are Killing the Right Trees

Votes:22 Comments:0
How the Wrong Trees Are Killing the Right Trees, By Karl Fabricius Scribol Staff, "The greatest tragedies of offsetting are the cases where our best efforts do more harm than good..." Visit th READ MORE

Bedrock nitrogen may help forests buffer climate change, study finds

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Bedrock nitrogen may help forests buffer climate change, study finds, August 31, 2011, Provided by University of California - Davis, Physorg.com, Article with one photo. READ MORE

History in Tree Rings

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History in Tree Rings, SoundPrint.org, Article with photographs. READ MORE

Wolf Bones Beat Tree Rings as Climate Records

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Wolf Bones Beat Tree Rings as Climate Records, By Andrea Thompson, LiveScience Staff Writer, 23 August 2007, Live Science, "The bones of wolves could provide a better record than tree rings of e READ MORE

Trees and Global Warming

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Trees and Global Warming, By sciencentral, December 22, 2008, YouTube.com, Video length: 01:48. READ MORE

Out on a Limb: Global Warming May Be Killing Old-Growth Forests

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Out on a Limb: Global Warming May Be Killing Old-Growth Forests, January 2009, By Katherine Harmon, Scientific American, "New study says temperature rise is responsible for rapid death of forest READ MORE

The Boreal Forest Shields Us from Global Warming

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The Boreal Forest Shields Us from Global Warming BorealBirds.org The circumpolar Boreal forest is the world's largest terrestrial storehouse of carbon, exceeding even the total carbon stored in th READ MORE

IBCC : Canada's Boreal Forest and Global Warming

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IBCC : Canada's Boreal Forest and Global Warming International Boreal Forest Campaign Boreal forest protection critical in world's fight against global warming. The Boreal Forest ecosystem supp READ MORE

Global warming-induced forest fires to increase health risks in western U.S.

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Global warming-induced forest fires to increase health risks in western U.S. mongabay.com July 28, 2009 Warmer, drier climate in the American West will increase the incidence and severity of f READ MORE

Global warming could turn forests from sink to source of carbon emissions

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Global warming could turn forests from sink to source of carbon emissions, mongabay.com, April 16, 2009, "Rising temperatures could reverse the role forests play in mitigating climate change, tur READ MORE

Global Warming Environmental Facts

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Global Warming Environmental Facts, Young People's Trust for the Environment, Visit the web site to read about the importance of trees in global warming, and other greenhouse gases. READ MORE

Global warming threatens forests, study says

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Global warming threatens forests, study says, By Azadeh Ansari, January 22, 2009, CNN, "Forests in the Pacific Northwest are dying twice as fast as they were 17 years ago, and scientists blame READ MORE
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