
Biome Homework Help


CO2 Isn't Spurring Plant Growth as Expected

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CO2 Isn't Spurring Plant Growth as Expected, December 9, 2015, By Patrick J. Kiger, Discovery News, When it comes to stopping catastrophic climate change, we can't just count on plants to bail u READ MORE

Plant species' genetic responses to climate change

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Plant species' genetic responses to climate change, August 27, 2015, University of Liverpool, ScienceDaily.com, A new study has found that the genetic diversity of wild plant species could be READ MORE

Desert Plants Move Higher: Is It Climate Change?

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Desert Plants Move Higher: Is It Climate Change? August 20, 2013, Discovery News, All-text article. READ MORE

Crop Pests Moving North Fast

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Crop Pests Moving North Fast, Sept. 1, 2013, Discovery News, All-text article. READ MORE

'Dramatic decline' warning for plants and animals

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'Dramatic decline' warning for plants and animals, May 12, 2013, By Matt McGrath, BBC News Environment Correspondent, "The study looked at the impacts of rising temperatures on nearly 50,000 com READ MORE

Plant Particles Slow Global Warming (and Smell Great)

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Plant Particles Slow Global Warming (and Smell Great) April 28, 2013, Discovery News, All-text article. READ MORE

Climate Change Affects Ants and Biodiversity

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Climate Change Affects Ants and Biodiversity Released: 11/4/2011, Source: University of Tennessee, Newswise.com, All-text article. READ MORE

As Climate Change Sets In, Plants and Bees Keep Pace

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As Climate Change Sets In, Plants and Bees Keep Pace, Released: 12/12/2011, Source: Cornell University, Newswise.com, All-text article. READ MORE

How Plants Adapt to Different Climates

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How Plants Adapt to Different Climates, Written by Joseph Dunsay, Scribol Staff, "Plants must be able to adapt to different climates if they are to survive climate change." Visit the website for READ MORE

Will Shiny Plants Save Us From Global Warming?

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Will Shiny Plants Save Us From Global Warming?, Written By Karl Fabricius, Scribol Staff, All-text article. READ MORE

Diatom genome helps explain success in trapping excess carbon in oceans

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Diatom genome helps explain success in trapping excess carbon in oceans, October 15, 2008, Source: Joint Genome Institute, Physorg.com, Article with one photo; click to enlarge. READ MORE

Climate change seems unfavourable for toxic blue algae

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Climate change seems unfavourable for toxic blue algae, September 5, 2011, Provided by Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Physorg.com, Article with one photo; click to enlarge. READ MORE
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