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Sea Ice Algae is Staple of Arctic Food Chain (Gallery)

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Sea Ice Algae is Staple of Arctic Food Chain (Gallery), November 21, 2014, By Charlie Heck, Live Science, Algae within Arctic sea ice provide the lynchpin of the marine ecosystem. As part of a READ MORE

Extra CO2 a boon to plants, but only at low temperatures

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Extra CO2 a boon to plants, but only at low temperatures, Sept. 2, 2015, By Brooks Hays, UPI.com, Phytoplankton are plant-like microorganisms that serve as the foundation for many marine food READ MORE

The secret life of plankton

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The secret life of plankton, Uploaded by GraffitiTimez, YouTube.com, Amazing video!! Video length: 06:05. READ MORE

Where does Plankton get its food?

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Where does Plankton get its food?, YouAskAndy.com, All-text brief explanation. READ MORE

Stresses on Global Phytoplankton

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Stresses on Global Phytoplankton, Uploaded by BrunoTheQuestionable, May 28, 2009, YouTube.com, Video length: 09:06. READ MORE

Phytoplankton in the sea

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Phytoplankton in the sea, By Open University, June 25, 2008, YouTube.com, Video length: 06:08. READ MORE

What are Phytoplankton?

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What are Phytoplankton?, Earth Observatory, NASA.gov, "Some phytoplankton are bacteria, some are protists, and most are single-celled plants." Click on any phytoplankton name for more in-depth in READ MORE

Vital ocean phytoplankton a casualty of global warming?

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Vital ocean phytoplankton a casualty of global warming?, July 28, 2010, Christian Science Monitor, Two-page article, with images. READ MORE

Fitting Algae Into the Food Web

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Fitting Algae Into the Food Web, Bigelow.org, Text and illustrations on algae; there's also an interactive food chain game. READ MORE

Audio slideshow: Sea drifters

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Audio slideshow: Sea drifters, BBC News, Colorful close up images of plankton, the tiny creatures that hold the key to survival in the world's oceans. READ MORE

The Important Little Life of Dylan Diatom

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The Important Little Life of Dylan Diatom, Poseted by MultimediaAPLUW, YouTube.com, Video length: 06:42. READ MORE

What Are the Different Types of Phytoplankton?

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What Are the Different Types of Phytoplankton?, Updated August 17, 2018 by Rachelle Dragani, Sciencing.com Article has one illustration and information on diatoms and their features, dinoflagella READ MORE

Carbon Eating Critters

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Carbon Eating Critters, Online Digital Eduction Connection Project, Discover everything you ever wanted to know about phytoplankton, their life cycle, habitat, types, and where they fit in the foo READ MORE


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Phytoplankton, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, This page has brief information on the key phytoplankton groups that contribute to ocean color - diatoms, dinoflagellates, voccolithophores, p READ MORE

Ice Stories: Dispatches from Polar Scientists - Reproduction in Antarctic Diato...

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Ice Stories: Dispatches from Polar Scientists, Reproduction in Antarctic Diatoms, By Maria Vernet, A combination of text and images (click on one to learn more). READ MORE

Arctic Sea Ice: Channels of Life

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Arctic Sea Ice: Channels of Life, Rolf Gradinger, Assistant Professor, Institute of Marine Science, University of Alaska, NOAA Ocean Explorations, Flora and fauna in sea ice? Find out what can b READ MORE

Plankton blooms in the ocean

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Plankton blooms in the ocean, February 15, 2002, Genome News Network, Coccolithophores, a special group of plankton, are the ones that turn the ocean color into 'a bright, milky aquamarine during READ MORE
Plants at the base of the Arctic food chain include the diatoms, protozoans, phytoplankton, and ice algae. Discover the flow of energy through the Arctic food chain.
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