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Swamps & Marshes


With CO2 Boost, Marshes Can Rise to Meet Flood Risks

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With CO2 Boost, Marshes Can Rise to Meet Flood Risks, December 23, 2015, By John Upton, Climate Central, New research suggests that rising levels of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosph READ MORE

To Survive, Plants Actively Engineer Marsh

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To Survive, Plants Actively Engineer Marsh, February 14, 2013, Posted by Tim Lucas, Original Study by Duke University, Futurity.org, Duke (US) - Marsh plants, far from being passive wallflowe READ MORE

Crabs Put the Pinch on Marshlands

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Crabs Put the Pinch on Marshlands, September 2011, Live Science, Video length: 02:34. Marshes are being overrun by purple marsh crabs because their main predators, blue crab and finfish, are b READ MORE

Plastic Bags Cut Wildlife Populations In Marshland Ecosystems

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Plastic Bags Cut Wildlife Populations In Marshland Ecosystems, April 14, 2015, By Puneet Kollipara, Chemical & Engineering News, Pollution: Conventional and biodegradable plastic bags covering READ MORE

Starting anew: Part II of a Reporter series on marsh ecosystems

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Starting anew: Part II of a Reporter series on marsh ecosystems, May 8, 2015, by Julie Lane, Shelter Island Reporter, Very informative article with two photos. READ MORE

10 Most Beautiful Swamps on Earth

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10 Most Beautiful Swamps on Earth, Written by Michele Collet, Scribol staff, Great photos, with description. READ MORE

5 Largest Swamps on Earth from Above

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5 Largest Swamps on Earth from Above, Written by tonyleather, Scribol staff, The title says it all - view photos of swamps in Russia, Brazil, Sudan, and the U.S. READ MORE

Freshwater Marshes

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Freshwater Marshes University of Florida All-text page (except the photo at the top) describing the freshwater marsh and its soil, along with names of animals and plants that inhabit them. READ MORE

Freshwater Marshes

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Freshwater Marshes, NatureWorks, New Hampshire Public Television, Image Credits: Clipart.com unless otherwise noted, Visit the web site for photos and description of marshes. READ MORE

Freshwater Marsh

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Freshwater Marsh, EnchantedLearning.com, Labeled illustration and information for younger students. READ MORE

Dynamics of the Salt Marsh

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Dynamics of the Salt Marsh, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, A combination of text and photos. READ MORE

Salt Marshes

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Salt Marshes Florida Department of Environmental Protection Salt marshes are coastal wetlands rich in marine life. They are sometimes called tidal marshes, because they occur in the zone between l READ MORE


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Swamps, US Environmental Protection Agency, A combination of text and photos. READ MORE
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