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Florida Tech study: King crabs threaten ecosystem due to warming ocean

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Florida Tech study: King crabs threaten ecosystem due to warming ocean, September 29, 2015, By Emilee Speck, Orlando Sentinel, Video length: 02:09. What do king crabs and climate change hav READ MORE

Oxygen Oasis Discovered in Antarctic Lake

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Oxygen Oasis Discovered in Antarctic Lake, September 3, 2015, By Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Editor, A little oxygenated slice of paradise survives deep in an icy Antarctic lake, providing READ MORE

Robot Reveals Sea Life Thriving Beneath Antarctic Ice

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Robot Reveals Sea Life Thriving Beneath Antarctic Ice, April 8, 2015, By Laura Geggel, Live Science, Discovery News, "A new remote underwater robot has explored Antarctica's Ross Sea and filmed READ MORE

Scientists find evidence for groundwater in Antarctica's Dry Valleys

Votes:18 Comments:0
Scientists find evidence for groundwater in Antarctica's Dry Valleys, April 28, 2015, By Tim Stephens (UCSC) & Peter West (NSF), University of Southern California Santa Cruz, Beneath Antarctic READ MORE

Changing Antarctic Waters 'Disturbingly Similar' to Conditions of 14,000 Years A...

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Changing Antarctic Waters 'Disturbingly Similar' to Conditions of 14,000 Years Ago, October 2, 2014, By Catherine Griffin, Science World Report, Could we be close to a steep rise in sea levels READ MORE

Scientists Launch Underwater Drones to Explore Antarctic Sea Ice (VIDEO)

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Scientists Launch Underwater Drones to Explore Antarctic Sea Ice (VIDEO), January 5, 2015l By Catherine Griffin, Science World Report, Robots may tell scientists a bit more about the Antarctic READ MORE

East Antarctica May be Melting Due to Open Oceanic Gateways

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East Antarctica May be Melting Due to Open Oceanic Gateways, March 19, 2015, By Catherine Griffin, Science World Report, Scientists may have found new passageways that could cause East Antarct READ MORE

Antarctica Ice Shelves are Melting at an Accelerated and Alarming Rate

Votes:24 Comments:0
Antarctica Ice Shelves are Melting at an Accelerated and Alarming Rate, March 27, 2015, By Catherine Griffin, Science World Report, It turns out that Antarctica's floating ice shelves may have READ MORE

A Photographer Reveals The Spectacular Beauty Of An Iceberg That Flipped Over

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A Photographer Reveals The Spectacular Beauty Of An Iceberg That Flipped Over, January 22, 2015, By Christian Storm, Business Insider, Who knew that icebergs flip over at times? Here you can v READ MORE

Life on the Edge: Photos from Drilling the Ross Ice Shelf

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Life on the Edge: Photos from Drilling the Ross Ice Shelf, January 22, 2015, By Becky Oskin, Senior Writer, LiveScience.com, In the barren world beneath 2,500 feet of the Ross Ice Shelf, who kne READ MORE

The "Unstable" West Antarctic Ice Sheet: A Primer

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The "Unstable" West Antarctic Ice Sheet: A Primer, Written by Patrick Lynch, NASA's Earth Science News Team, This article contains an image showing several glaciers in the Amundenen Sea in West READ MORE

Antarctic Ice May Be Held in Place By Small Plugs-for Now

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Antarctic Ice May Be Held in Place By Small Plugs-for Now, May 4, 2014, By Larry O'Hanlon for National Geographic, Article with photo. READ MORE

East Antarctica significantly more at risk of melting than earlier thought

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East Antarctica significantly more at risk of melting than earlier thought, May 6, 2014, By Terrence McCoy, The Washington Post, The Wilks Basin's topography in East Antarctica lies below the READ MORE

Newly-discovered active volcano could erupt underneath ice in Antarctica and add...

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Newly-discovered active volcano could erupt underneath ice in Antarctica and add to effects of global warming, say scientists, May 11, 2014, By Lucy Crossley, Daily Mail Online, Amazing photos READ MORE

Southern Ocean May Be Losing Ability to Absorb Greenhouse Gas

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Southern Ocean May Be Losing Ability to Absorb Greenhouse Gas, March 22, 2013, By Carolyn Gramling, SCIENCENOW, Wired Science, All-text article. READ MORE

Antarctica's Ice Shelves Dissolve Thanks to Warm Water Below

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Antarctica's Ice Shelves Dissolve Thanks to Warm Water Below,m June 14, 2013, Smithsonian Magazine Blog, Amazing photo accompanies the article. READ MORE

Penguins Benefit From Climate Change

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Penguins Benefit From Climate Change, April 5, 2013, By Tim Wall, Discovery News, Article with gallery of photos related to early South Pole expeditions. READ MORE

Seaways across Antarctica could open in 1000 years

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Seaways across Antarctica could open in 1000 years, 04 November 2011, by Michael Marshall, New Scientist Magazine, All-text article. READ MORE

An Iceberg Six Times the Size of Manhattan Is On the Loose

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An Iceberg Six Times the Size of Manhattan Is On the Loose, April 25, 2014, By David Stout, Time.com, Article with two photos. READ MORE

Antarctic Meltdown Would Flood Washington, D.C.

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Antarctic Meltdown Would Flood Washington, D.C., By Andrea Thompson, 05 February 2009, Live Science, Among other information, there's a map showing the areas that would be imnpacted by 6 meters READ MORE

Science Briefings

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Science Briefings, British Antarctic Survey, This page provides access to topics that the British Antarctic Survey Research covers in Antarctica - sustainable management of krill, Antarctica and s READ MORE

Antarctic Ghost Mountains Throw Light on Global Climate Change

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Antarctic Ghost Mountains Throw Light on Global Climate Change, By Alka Sharma, Scribol Staff, Photos and text describing the discovery and research into the growth of ice sheets, known as Ghost READ MORE

Antarctic Ice and Climate Change

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Antarctic Ice and Climate Change, By kjscrafts, HubPages, Article and six photographs. READ MORE

Warming on the Antarctic Peninsula

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Warming on the Antarctic Peninsula Windows to the Universe Use the menu at the top of the page for beginner, intermediate, or advanced level; excellent site! READ MORE

Global warming may doom emperor penguins to extinction

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Global warming may doom emperor penguins to extinction, mongabay.com, January 27, 2009, Article with one photograph of emperor penguins. READ MORE

Penguin Decline Due to Global Warming?

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Penguin Decline Due to Global Warming?, By John Roach, for National Geographic News, September 13, 2004, All-text article. READ MORE

Global Warming Causes Alien Invasion in Antarctica

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Global Warming Causes Alien Invasion in Antarctica, Written by Chris, Scribol staff, "Tourists and global warming are setting the stage for an alien invasion of Antarctica." READ MORE

Photo Gallery: Antarctica Warming

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Photo Gallery: Antarctica Warming National Geographic Awesome photographs and descriptions! READ MORE
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