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Health Threats


Health Impacts of Climate Change

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Health Impacts of Climate Change, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NOAA.gov, Use the menu on the left side to learn about specific health problems related to climate change. READ MORE

The Spread of New Diseases: The Climate Connection

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The Spread of New Diseases: The Climate Connection, By Sonia Shah, October 15, 2009, Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, All-text article. READ MORE

Allergies in America Increase, Global Warming

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Allergies in America Increase, Global Warming, May 26, 2011, By Rachael Rettner, MyHealthNewsDaily Staff Writer, LiveScience.com, All-text article. READ MORE

Study Claims Global Warming is 'Beneficial' for Human Health

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Study Claims Global Warming is 'Beneficial' for Human Health, By IBTimes staff Reporter, September 15, 2011, International Business Times, All-text article. READ MORE

Effects of Global Warming on Health

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Effects of Global Warming on Health, The Global Warming Overview, All-text article. READ MORE

Global warming to influence ozone-related deaths, says study

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Global warming to influence ozone-related deaths, says study By EarthSky SEP 27, 2011 "Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal will likely see ozone-related deaths increase between 10 and 14 percent READ MORE

10 Ways Global Warming Could Hurt Your Health

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10 Ways Global Warming Could Hurt Your Health, By Sarah Baldauf, September 15, 2008, US News & World Report, "It's not just a political and economic issue-a warmer planet could impact your physi READ MORE

Global warming: Water-borne diseases on the rise

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Global warming: Water-borne diseases on the rise Posted on September 15, 2011, by Bob Berwyn Summit County Citizens Voice "Europe facing significant health and economic impacts" Visit the w READ MORE
Can a warmer climate affect people's health?
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