Polar Bear - Defenders of Wildlife

Polar Bear
Defenders of Wildlife

Polar Bear
Ursus maritimus

Polar bears are among the largest predators in the world. They range in color from pure white after a molt to a yellowish shade resulting from solar oxidation or staining by oil from seal blubber. Their skin, nose and lips are black in color.

Polar bears’ long neck and narrow skull aid in streamlining the animal in water, and their large, flat and oar-like front feet make them strong swimmers. Their fur is thicker than any other bears’ even covering their feet, for warmth and traction on ice. Polar bears also have a thick layer of blubber which provides buoyancy and insulation.

Height 8 to 10 feet
Weight Adult males 550-1700 lbs; females 200 - 700 lbs
Lifespan 20 - 25 years

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