The Aardvark (Orycteropus afer) (afer: from Africa) is a medium-sized, burrowing, nocturnal mammal native to Africa.[2] It is sometimes called "antbear", "anteater", "Cape READ MORE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aardvark
Common nighthawk,
Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species,
Museum of Zoology University of Michigan,
Discover what they look like, their habitat, how they communicate, what they eat, what eats READ MORE http://www.biokids.umich.edu/critters/Chordeiles_minor/
Rock dove,
Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species,
Museum of Zoology University of Michigan,
Discover what they look like, their habitat, how they communicate, what they eat, what eats them, READ MORE http://www.biokids.umich.edu/critters/Columba_livia/
Eastern screech owl,
Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species,
Museum of Zoology University of Michigan,
Discover what they look like, their habitat, how they communicate, what they eat, what e READ MORE http://www.biokids.umich.edu/critters/Otus_asio/
Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species,
Museum of Zoology University of Michigan,
Discover what they look like, their habitat, how they communicate, what they eat, what eats them, and m READ MORE http://www.biokids.umich.edu/critters/Formicidae/
Kruger National Park : South Africa,
Siyabona Africa Travel (Pty) Ltd,
Several small photos; information on its diet, breeding, behavior, habitat, predators, and more. READ MORE http://www.krugerpark.co.za/africa_bushbaby.html