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Lakes & Rivers (Freshwater)


Climate Change Is Heating Lakes Rapidly

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Climate Change Is Heating Lakes Rapidly, December 21, 2015, By Patrick J. Kiger, Discovery News, Earth's lakes -- containging much of the planet's fresh water -- are warming up to twice as fast READ MORE

Role of fresh water lakes, reservoirs in the global carbon cycle

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Role of fresh water lakes, reservoirs in the global carbon cycle, September 3, 2015, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), ScienceDaily.com, Understanding the role of freshwater lakes and re READ MORE

Dam! Beavers have been busy sequestering carbon

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Dam! Beavers have been busy sequestering carbon, July 17, 2013, by Laurence Pope, New Scientist, "Beavers aren't going to save the world - but they are doing their bit for carbon capture and sto READ MORE

How Will the Wetlands Respond to Climate Change?

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How Will the Wetlands Respond to Climate Change?, January 2013, By Joseph Stromberg, Smithsonian magazine, "Smithsonian scientists have taken to the Chesapeake Bay to investigate how marshlands READ MORE

Climate Change Could Drive Native Fish Out of Wisconsin Waters

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Climate Change Could Drive Native Fish Out of Wisconsin Waters, Released: 8/16/2011, Source: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Newswise.com, All-text article. READ MORE

Long-Lost Lake Agassiz Offers Clues to Climate Change

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Long-Lost Lake Agassiz Offers Clues to Climate Change, Released: 10/5/2011, Source: University of Cincinnati, Newswise.com, All-text article. READ MORE

Nitrogen from Humans Pollutes Remote Lakes for More than a Century

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Nitrogen from Humans Pollutes Remote Lakes for More than a Century, Released: 12/14/2011, Source: University of Washington, Newswise.com, All-text article. READ MORE

How Global Warming Threatens Freshwater Supplies

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How Global Warming Threatens Freshwater Supplies, Written by Russell Vallimont, Scribol Staff, A combination of text, illustration and map. READ MORE
How Global Warming Threatens Freshwater Supplies

Climate Change Impact on Freshwater Wetlands, Lakes & Rivers

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Climate Change Impact on Freshwater Wetlands, Lakes & Rivers, Written by Scott Mandia, Article as several illustrations that will enlarge if you click on them. READ MORE

Global Warming Turns Lake Tahoe Green

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Global Warming Turns Lake Tahoe Green, Written by whatsrequired, Scribol Staff, "Lake Tahoe, the famed jewel on the California-Nevada border, may be losing her blue luster as soon as the next ten READ MORE

Lake Superior, a Natural Global Warming Gauge, Is Running a Fever

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Lake Superior, a Natural Global Warming Gauge, Is Running a Fever, July 19, 2010, By Dina Fine Maron and Climatewire, Scientific American, Is Lake Superior the canary in the coal mine? Find out READ MORE

Global Warming Affects World's Largest Freshwater Lake

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Global Warming Affects World's Largest Freshwater Lake, May 1, 2008, ScienceDaily.com, The largest and deepest lake in the world, Lake Baikal in Russia, is responding to global warming. This arti READ MORE
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