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Marine Life (General)


Big Catches At Spawning Sites Wipe Out Fish

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Big Catches At Spawning Sites Wipe Out Fish, October 19, 2015, Posted by Sally Palmer, Original Study by University of Texas, Austin, Futurity.org, Video length: 03:55. READ MORE

Cute But Deadly: Steller Sea Lions

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Cute But Deadly: Steller Sea Lions, By Karl Fabricius September 5, 2011 Scribol.com "Steller sea lions aren't just gorgeous huge beasts; they can be bullies to divers as well!" Visit the webs READ MORE

Whale Rescue

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Whale Rescue Oceans Today NOAA This video shows how the Atlantic Large Whale Disentanglement Network locates and untangles a whale from fishing gear. READ MORE

Transparent Sea Cucumber

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Transparent Sea Cucumber By Laurence Madin, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/CMarZ Census of Marine Life Smithsonian Institute A recent discovery in the Gulf of Mexico. READ MORE

Galapagos, 2010

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Galapagos, 2010 By Robert David Siegel Department of Microbiology and Immunology Stanford University Large photos of marine life in the Galapagos. READ MORE


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Sponges Alien Travel Guide Photos and descriptions tube and red volcano sponges. READ MORE


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Whales by Lisa Gardiner Windows to the Universe Whales are the biggest animals known. The blue whale can reach 80 feet long! Even though they are huge, whales are usually friendly. It is peopl READ MORE


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Dolphins by Lisa Gardiner Windows to the Universe Dolphins are the most playful animals in the sea! They are often seen jumping high in the air and then diving deeply into the water. Visit the READ MORE


Votes:38 Comments:0
Molluscs by Lisa Gardiner Windows to the Universe Many different animals are under the name molluscs. Scallops and clams are a special kind of mollusc called bivalves. Bivalves have two shells READ MORE

Life of the Ocean: Where Life Began. An Amazing Video!

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Life of the Ocean: Where Life Began. An Amazing Video! Posted by Archmetal06 YouTube.com Incredible video! It's a little long (10:22 minutes) but worth watching. Closeups of numerous marine li READ MORE

Dumbo, Other Deep-Sea Oddities Found Video

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Dumbo, Other Deep-Sea Oddities Found November 22, 2009 National Geographic Video length: 03:12. READ MORE

Red Devils Video

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Red Devils National Geographic Video length: 0:58. READ MORE

Young Elephant Seals Video

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Young Elephant Seals, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom, Animal Planet, Video length: 02:41 READ MORE

MarineBio Contributing Photo Gallery

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MarineBio Contributing Photo Gallery Click on a photo for a larger version. READ MORE

Sharks Video Clip

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Sharks Video Clip Newton's Apple Twin Cities Public Television Unlike the ferocious star of Jaws, most sharks pose little danger to humans. The world's 370-plus species of sharks eat a variety of READ MORE

Dolphins Video Clip

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Dolphins Video Clip Newton's Apple Twin Cities Public Television Visit the web site for the video. READ MORE

Squid #2 at Little Mill Point, St. Croix, USVI -- 3 Very Rare Calamari...

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Squid #2 at Little Mill Point, St. Croix, USVI -- 3 Very Rare Calamari... Keith & Diane Nelson, Youtube.com Video length: 01:53 READ MORE

Sea Stars - Enchanted Learning Software

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Sea Stars - Enchanted Learning Software Sea stars (also known as starfish) are spiny, hard-skinned animals that live on the rocky sea floor. These invertebrates are NOT fish; they are echinoderms READ MORE


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Brittlestar NOAA Ocean Explorer This species of brittlestar (Astroporpa annulata) is related to basketstars and lives clinging to soft corals. The white rings are made up of tiny hooklike spines t READ MORE

Echinoderms: Starfish and Family

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Echinoderms: Starfish and Family KidPort Reference Library Echinoderms are marine animals that live in the ocean. They have arms or spines that radiate from the center of their body. The central b READ MORE

Waterwatch Adelaide & Mount Lofty Ranges - Benthic Zone

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Waterwatch Adelaide & Mount Lofty Ranges - Benthic Zone Where do macroinvertebrates live? The Benthic Zone The benthic zone includes the mud, silt, sand and rotting leaf-litter on the bottom of t READ MORE

Nudibranchs and Sea Slugs Pictures

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Nudibranchs and Sea Slugs Pictures by Nudi Pixel Nudibranch identification made easy Nudi Pixel is a web-based identification tool for nudibranchs worldwide using photographs as the first point READ MORE

What's It Like Where You Live? Missouri Botanical Garden

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What's It Like Where You Live? Missouri Botanical Garden Discover marine creatures from the tiny zooxanthellae that make the coral reefs home to the giant mammals of the vast seas! Please visi READ MORE
Oceans cover 97% of the earth's surface so there are a wide variety of vertebrates, invertebrates, and zooplankton that live in the ocean. Find articles, descriptions, videos, and photographs of many ocean species.
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