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A Delicate Balance: Protecting Northwest's Glass Sponge Reefs

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A Delicate Balance: Protecting Northwest's Glass Sponge Reefs, October 22, 2015, By Nicola Jones, Environment 360, Rare and extensive reefs of glass sponges are found only one place on earth - a READ MORE

Will climate change lead to food chain collapse in the ocean?

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Will climate change lead to food chain collapse in the ocean?, October 12, 2015, By Brooks Hays, UPI.com, ADELAIDE, Australia, Oct. 12 (UPI) -- A domino effect of collapsing marine food chains READ MORE

Climate change will irreversibly force key ocean bacteria into overdrive

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Climate change will irreversibly force key ocean bacteria into overdrive, September 1, 2015, University of Southern California, ScienceDaily.com, Scientists demonstrate that key organism in oc READ MORE

The invisible ocean threat that ripples through the food chain

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The invisible ocean threat that ripples through the food chain, August 31, 2015, PBS News Hour, Video Length: 07:10. READ MORE

Plankton form jellyfish-like colony of synchronized swimmers

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Plankton form jellyfish-like colony of synchronized swimmers, Sept. 2, 2015, By Brooks Hays, UPI.com. Synchronized swimming isn't limited to the Summer Games. As a new study reveals, whole col READ MORE

Sharks: Cruise Missiles of the Deep

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Sharks: Cruise Missiles of the Deep Article by Avi Abrams and Lauren Axelrod Dark Roasted Blend Awesome photographs, with explanations. READ MORE

Whale Poo: The Ocean's Miracle Grow

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Whale Poo: The Ocean's Miracle Grow By Wynne Parry 13 October 2010 Live Science "Whales fertilize the ocean with their feces, which contain nutrients they carry from deep waters up to the surf READ MORE

The Global Impact of Saving the Tiny Krill

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The Global Impact of Saving the Tiny Krill, Written by TheJohn, Scribol.com, "The primary food source for hundreds of marine and avian species, there is arguably no other creature more crucial to READ MORE

Why Tiny Krill Are a Major Link in the Marine Food Chain

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Why Tiny Krill Are a Major Link in the Marine Food Chain, Written by MikeDeHaan, Scribol.com, "Shrimp-like krill form a major link in the marine food chain, by eating algae and plankton but becom READ MORE

Introduction to Bacillariophyta (The Diatoms)

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Introduction to Bacillariophyta (The Diatoms) University of California Museum of Paleontology The Bacillariophyta are the diatoms. With their exquisitely beautiful silica shells, or frustules s READ MORE

Phytoplankton Makes Life Possible on Earth

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Phytoplankton Makes Life Possible on Earth RedOrbit.com A 2:47 minute video. READ MORE

Building an Automated Underwater Microscope

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Building an Automated Underwater Microscope Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute A very interesting conversation with Heidi Sosik, a biologist who studies marine phytoplankton - 'the community of mi READ MORE

More than One: Long-Reining Microbe Controlling Ocean Nitrogen Shares the Throne

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More than One: Long-Reining Microbe Controlling Ocean Nitrogen Shares the Throne by Lisa Gardiner Windows to the Universe Geared for high school students; visit the page for illustrations and READ MORE

What are phytoplankton?

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What are phytoplankton? by David Herring NASA Earth Observatory Phytoplankton are microscopic plant-like organisms that live in the ocean. There are many species of phytoplankton, each of which READ MORE

Marine Food Webs

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Marine Food Webs The Gould League See if you can put the specie into the correct slot according to producers, herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, and top-level carnivores; then click up by the "H READ MORE

Ocean Food Chain

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Ocean Food Chain International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) The picture below shows part of an ocean and some of the organisms (plants and animals) that live ar READ MORE
A food chain shows how each living thing gets energy from food and passes that along to other specie. A food web includes several different food chains and shows how plants and animals are interconnected. The marine food chain starts with phytoplankton, mainly algae. Phytoplankton is consumed by floating animals called zooplankton; they vary in size so the smaller zooplankton are eaten by larger zooplankton. Zooplankton are eaten by small fish; small fish are eaten by larger fish. What comes next in the food chain? Discover the rest of the marine food chain through these web sites.
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