
Biome Homework Help
Producers (Plants)


Melting Glaciers Feed Antarctic Food Chain

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Melting Glaciers Feed Antarctic Food Chain, August 11, 2015, By American Geophysical Union, New research finds that iron stored in the region's glaciers is being shuttled by melting water to op READ MORE

The secret life of plankton

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The secret life of plankton, Uploaded by GraffitiTimez, YouTube.com, Amazing video!! Video length: 06:05. READ MORE

Southern Ocean Plankton

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Southern Ocean Plankton, Uploaded by Urania Christaki, YouTube.com, Video length: 04:25. READ MORE

Why is plankton so important?

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Why is plankton so important?, YouAskAndy.com, All-text article. READ MORE

Stresses on Global Phytoplankton

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Stresses on Global Phytoplankton, Uploaded by BrunoTheQuestionable, May 28, 2009, YouTube.com, Video length: 09:06. READ MORE

Phytoplankton in the sea

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Phytoplankton in the sea, By Open University, June 25, 2008, YouTube.com Video length: 06.08. READ MORE

What are Phytoplankton?

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What are Phytoplankton? By Rebecca Lindsey and Michon Scott, Earth Observatory, NASA.gov, A combination of text, photographs, maps, and an illustration. READ MORE

What Are the Different Types of Phytoplankton?

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What Are the Different Types of Phytoplankton?, Updated by Rachelle Dragani, Sciencing.com Article describes diatoms and its features, dinoflagellates and its types, and microflagellates. There i READ MORE

Microscopic organisms

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Microscopic organisms, Australian Antarctic Division, Government of Australia, Read about the four main micro-organisms in the Antarctic ocean that are the basis of its food chain. Click on an im READ MORE

Kids.Net.Au - Encyclopedia > Phytoplankton

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Phytoplankton, Kids.Net.Au - Encyclopedia, A brief article for younger students. READ MORE

Phytoplanton produces oxygen

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Phytoplanton produces oxygen, Backyardnature.com, "Phytoplankton is a big word for a tiny plant that could very well be our best friend." Please visit the website for the article. READ MORE


Votes:20 Comments:0
Diatom, By David Darling, The Internet Encyclopedia of Science, An image and brief article. READ MORE

Antarctic Fox - Day 3: Lichen Shag Glacier

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Antarctic Fox - Day 3: Lichen Shag Glacier, The log of Rachel and Kevin Fox's trip to the Antarctic Peninsula in the Summer of 2008-9, Large, awesome photographs of lichen on cliffs, blue-eyed sha READ MORE

Sea ice algae put spring in krill growth

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Sea ice algae put spring in krill growth, Australian Antarctica Division, Australian Government, "Researchers have found that spring-time growth of sea ice algae is critical to krill growth and r READ MORE

Ice Algae, Wikipedia

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Ice Algae, Wikipedia.org, Visit the website for the article. READ MORE
Plants at the base of the Antarctic ocean food chain include the diatoms, protozoans, phytoplankton, and ice algae. Discover the flow of energy through the Antarctica food chain.
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