
Biome Homework Help


Food chain on the Arctic Tundra

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Food chain on the Arctic Tundra, Tennessee State Improvement Grant, A good illustration and text of who eats what on the tundra. READ MORE

What are the primary and secondary consumers of the tundra?

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What are the primary and secondary consumers of the tundra?, Yahoo! Answers, Visit the web site for several good answers. READ MORE

What is the food chain of the tundra and also the food web?

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What is the food chain of the tundra and also the food web? Answers.com Visit the web site for the answer. READ MORE

Tundra - KDE Santa Barbara

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Tundra, Kids Do Ecology, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara, Photos and information for younger students. READ MORE

World Builders: A Food Web in the Tundra Biome

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World Builders: A Food Web in the Tundra Biome, By Elizabeth Anne Viau, Visit the website for an illustration and description of specie in the food web. READ MORE

Food Web - Arctic Activity

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Food Web - Arctic Activity, Hartcourt School Publishers, Drag each picture to its place in the Arctic Food Web. READ MORE
A food chain shows how each living thing gets energy from food and passes that along to other specie. A food web includes several different food chains and shows how plants and animals are interconnected. The tundra is a tough environment and it affects all the specie in the food web. Find out what makes this a difficult environment to live in.
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