A food chain shows how each living thing gets energy from food and passes that along to other specie. A food web includes several different food chains and shows how plants and animals are interconnected. Since it is an ocean environment, the animals that live in the Antarctic find their food in the ocean. At the bottom of this food chain are microscopic diatoms, crustaceans, and protozoan. Find out what is next in the food chain.

 Producers (Plants)
A Trip South to Antarctica's Ross Sea
A Trip South to Antarctica's Ross Sea, Ocean Portal, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, Take a pictorial trip to the Ross Sea along with photographer John Weller.
Alien Species Invading Antarctica, Experts Warn
Alien Species Invading Antarctica, Experts Warn, John Roach, for National Geographic News, July 6, 2006, One image and the rest is all-text.
Antarctic Biology
Antarctic Biology Antarctica.org.nz Information and photos on specie that live at the Antarctica.
Antarctic Food Webs
Antarctic Food Webs, The Gould League, See if you can put the specie into the correct slot according to producers, herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, and top-level carnivores; then click up by the
Antarctic Ocean Food Web
Antarctic Ocean Food Web, Hartcourt School Publishers, See how animals in the arctic depend on each other to live.
Arctic Marine Food Web JPEG Image
Arctic Marine Food Web, Ocean World, Texas A&M University, Visit the website for the image.
Ecologists fear Antarctic krill crisis
Ecologists fear Antarctic krill crisis, 2 September 2010, By Quirin Schiermeier, Nature.com, One picture and the rest is text article explaining why ecologists fear there might Antarctic krill c
Ecosystem : Food Webs
Ecosystem : Food Webs, The Open Door Web Site, Discussion of a food web in general with a good illustration of Antarctic food web.
Emperor Penguin
The Emperor Penguin, Created by a student, this website has images, a map, and information on its classification, breeding, habitat, place in the marine food chain and food web, and the impact huma
Foodwebs - Antarctic
Foodwebs - Antarctic, Gould League, See if you can put each specie in its correct category within the food web.
How to Make a Food Web Chain for Biomes
How to Make a Food Web Chain for Biomes, By an eHow Contributor, These are instructions on how to create an Antarctic food web.
National Geographic SeaLab: Antarctica
National Geographic SeaLab: Antarctica, This web site explains the purpose of the 2001 mission to the Antarctic to discover the the distribution and behavior of krill in the Antarctic ecosystem. Cl
The role of krill in the Antarctic food web
The role of krill in the Antarctic food web, Lighthouse Foundation, Hamburg, Germany, Just how important is krill to the Antarctic food web? This site takes a look at the key species that depend
The Ross Sea, Antarctica
The Ross Sea, Antarctica, by John Weller, YouTube.com, Video length: 09:01. After the introductory, which explains why the photographer went to Antarctica, enjoy the amazing footage.
The Warming of Antarctica: A Citadel of Ice Begins to Melt
The Warming of Antarctica: A Citadel of Ice Begins to Melt, November 22, 2010 Report, By Fen Montaigne, Senior Editor, Article with photo gallery.
The Weddell Sea
The Weddell Sea, From Kevin Young, Vimeo, Video length: 02:23. "As the Bark Europa cautiously enters the Weddell Sea, building sized icebergs slowly float by the main deck."
Virtual Antarctica Science: Animals
Virtual Antarctica Science: Animal, Photography by Jonathan Chester, Extreme Images, TerraQuest, Here you can find photos and information on the different pigeon, seal, sea bird, whale and dolphi
Warming alters Antarctic food web, study finds
Warming alters Antarctic food web, study finds, March. 12, 2009, The Associated Press, MSNBC.com, "Changing wind patterns linked to global warming are altering the food chain in Antarctica and m
Whales and Antarctica Food Webs and Food Chains
Whales and Antarctica Food Webs and Food Chains, By Paul Ward, CoolAntarctica.com, See who eats what in this simple illustration of a a Baleen whale's food chain and a more detailed illustration