A food chain shows how each living thing gets energy from food and passes that along to other specie. A food web includes several different food chains and shows how plants and animals are interconnected. The Arctic has an abundance of living organisms and animals. Did you know that microscopic diatoms and krill are the primary producers? How about the primary consumers? Find out who the primary and secondary consumers and top predators are through these web sites.

 Producers (Plants)
Arctic Marine Food Web - Figures and Tables
Arctic Marine Food Web - Figures and Tables, Greenfacts.org, Visit the web site for the illustration.
Arctic Marine Life
Arctic Marine Life, by Lisa Gardiner, Windows to the Universe, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Has images and descriptions of plant and animal specie in the arctic food w
Arctic Marine Research
Arctic Marine Research, Canada Nature Museum, Video Length: 3:04
Arctic Pollution in Food Chain
Arctic Pollution in Food Chain, Athropolis Productions Limited, Read why polar bears have become one of the most polluted specie on earth.
Food Web - Arctic Activity
Food Web - Arctic Activity, Harcourt School, See if you can put the specie in the correct place to complete the food web.
Food Web of the Arctic
Food Web of the Arctic, Submitted by Meredith Sanders, World of Teaching, Wonderful, easy-to-understand Powerpoint presentation.
How Arctic Food Webs Affect Mercury in Polar Bears
How Arctic Food Webs Affect Mercury in Polar Bears, Story Source: Adapted from materials provided by University of Michigan, Science Daily, One image (click to enlarge) and the rest is text.
Researchers discover arctic blooms occurring earlier
Researchers discover arctic blooms occurring earlier, March 2, 2011, Physorg.com, Provided by University of California - San Diego, Mostly text article with image and map.
Tiny. Ubiquitous. Vital. Delicate. Vulnerable.
Tiny. Ubiquitous. Vital. Delicate. Vulnerable, Oceanus Magazine, Eleven really close-up images of pteropods, creatures near the bottom of the marine food web.
WHOI: Oceans - Life in the Arctic Ocean
WHOI: Oceans - Life in the Arctic Ocean, By Carin Ashjian, Associate Scientist, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Lengthy but interesting article.