Bogs and fens are wetlands that have formed on top of dead or decaying plant material. Bogs receive their moisture from rain and show, are low in nutrients and acidic making it hard for many plants to grow. Fens receive their water from precipitation and groundwater; they have more nutrients than bogs and are less acidic. Bogs are covered with sphagnum moss and have insect eating plants. The most common plants found in fens are reeds, sedges and grasses.
Bogs, Fens and Pocosins Bogs, Fens and Pocosins,
New Hampshire Public Television,
Image Credits: unless otherwise noted,
Visit the website for photos and descriptions of bogs, fens and pocosins
Forestry Commission - Upland bogForestry Commission - Upland bog,
UK Government,
Britain has two kinds of bogs; learn about both here.
Katahdin to the SeaKatahdin to the Sea,
Gulf of Maine Research Institute,
Text with illustration.
Landowner's Guide: Bogs and Fens Landowner's Guide: Bogs and Fens,
Sargent, M.S and Carter, K.S., ed,
Michigan Department of Natural Resources,
A combination of text and illustrations.
Preserve Our Beautiful Bogs Preserve Our Beautiful Bogs,
By: Doris Ames,
Native Orchid Conservation Inc.,
All-text article.