The Gobi desert covers the lower part of Mongolia in Asia. For the most part, the land is barren due to lack of rain; it does have colorful summer wildflowers. Life in the Gobi includes sheep, fox, jerboa, camels, and horses.
Exploring the Gobi Desert Exploring the Gobi Desert,
Outward Bound Hong Kong Guest Expeditions,
Discover what the Gobi Desert is like here. Read about its people, location, ecosystems, biodiversity, and more.
Gobi DesertGobi Desert,
National Geographic Society,
Video length: 05:39. Photographer paraglides over a serene landscape
Gobi desert - MongoliaGobi desert - Mongolia,
Blue Peak Travel Photography,
Several excellent photographs with descriptions.
Gobi Desert - MongoliaGobi Desert - Mongolia,,
Video length: 04:35.
Mongolia by camel: On the hoof in the Gobi Desert
Mongolia by camel: On the hoof in the Gobi Desert,
December 21, 2015,
By Harriet O'Brien,
The Independent News,
'The camel is the preferred mode of transport here, but in the capital things a
Mongolian Flora and FaunaMongolian Flora and Fauna,
By Mark and Juliette McLean,
Several nice animal photos.
The Gobi Desert
The Gobi Desert,,
Use the menu at the top of the page to view pictures read about the desert's plants, animals, people, and climate.
What is the Gobi Desert?What is the Gobi Desert?,,
Written by S.E. Smith,
All-text article.