Forests are divided into three types, tropical (or rainforest), temperate or taiga (sometimes referred to as boreal) forests. Tropical forests are close to the equator, get large amounts of rain, and have a wide variety of plants and wildlife. Taiga forests are the largest of the terrestrial biomes; they are located in northern parts of North America, Europe, Asia and Siberia; moisture comes mostly in the form of snow. Plants and wildlife that exist in the taiga have adapted to the extreme cold temperatures. Temperate forests, located below taiga forests, can be found in North America, Asia and Europe; a longer growing season and milder temperatures allow a larger variety of trees and wildlife.
Earth Lost Half Its Trees to Humans
Earth Lost Half Its Trees to Humans,
September 02, 2015,
By Elizabeth Howell,
Live Science Contributor,
A new global census of all the trees on Earth estimates that more than 3 trillion call
10 Most Endangered Forests on Earth10 Most Endangered Forests on Earth,
Written by Michele Collet,
Scribol staff,
Amazing photos, with descriptions.
Alaskan Salmon ForestsAlaskan Salmon Forests,
National Geographic Video,
Video length: 04:06.
Alien worm invasion 'threat to forests'Alien worm invasion 'threat to forests'
September 6, 2011,
By Mark Kinver,
BBC News,
Two photos with the all-text article.
Arbor Day: an ecosystem perspective
Arbor Day: an ecosystem perspective,
By Frank S. Gilliam, Professor of Biological Sciences at Marshall University,
April 25, 2014,
Oxford Press,
Article with two photos.
As Larger Animals Decline, Forests Feel Their AbsenceAs Larger Animals Decline, Forests Feel Their Absence,
March 13, 2011 Report,
By Sharon Levy Environment 360,
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies,
One photo with the all-text article
Australia's Incredible Giant TreesAustralia's Incredible Giant Trees,
Written by smange,
Scribol staff,
A tree house at the top of a 60m tall tree? Apparently so because there are pictures of this and other tree houses. Find out
Bialowieza, Europe's last primeval forest - in pictures
Bialowieza, Europe's last primeval forest - in pictures,
April 6, 2011,
By David Levene, Damian Carrington, Eric Hilaire,
The Guardian,
Amazing photographs, with descriptions.
Biomes of the World - ForestsBiomes of the World - Forests,,
For younger students.
EEK! Celebrate TreesEEK! Celebrate Trees,
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources,
For younger students.
Excess Trees in Japan are Harming the EnvironmentExcess Trees in Japan are Harming the Environment,
June 11, 2015,
By Danny Clemens,
Discovery News,
Cypress and cedar trees in Japan are causing massive amounts of nitrogen runoff into local st
Forest biome - Encyclopedia of Earth Forest biome - Encyclopedia of Earth,
By University of California Museum of Paleontology,
Updated: March 13, 2013,
Combination of text and photographs.
Forest ecosystem more than just treesForest ecosystem more than just trees,
May 12, 2013,
by Russell Kidd,
Michigan State University Extension,
One photo and the rest if text.
Forest Ecosystems Forest Ecosystems,,
One photo accompanies the article.
Forest logging increases risk of mega firesForest logging increases risk of mega fires,
September 12, 2011,
Provided by Australian National University,,
Article with one photo; click to enlarge.
Forests Recover Quickly After Bark Beetles AttackForests Recover Quickly After Bark Beetles Attack,
December 9, 2013,
By Becky Oskin, Staff Writer,
Live Science,
One photograph and the rest is text.
Forests: Key to the World's EcosystemForests: Key to the World's Ecosystem,
Written by shefalikrishna,
Scribol staff,
Photos and text.
Google Earth Uncovers the Lost Forest of Mount MabuGoogle Earth Uncovers the Lost Forest of Mount Mabu,
Written by soniaydong,
Scribol staff,
View photos and descriptions of newly found species in the lost forest of Mozambique.
How Wildfires Affect Your HealthHow Wildfires Affect Your Health,
August 31, 2015,
By Sheila M Eldred,
As much of the U.S. West is experiencing wildfires, learn how these blazes can affect your health.
K4 Modules: Biomes, Forests K4 Modules: Biomes, Forests,
Exploring the Environment,
NASA Classroom of the Future,
Wheeling Jesuit University,
For younger students.
Large trees-key climate influencers-die first in drought
Large trees-key climate influencers-die first in drought,
September 29, 2015,,
In forests worldwide, drought consistently has had a more detrimental impact on the growth and survival o
Life in Temperate Forests Life in Temperate Forests,
Posted by dizzo95,,
Video length: 01:30.
Plant AdaptationsPlant Adaptations,
Missouri Botanical Gardens,
For younger students. Click on different biomes or areas to learn about them and adaptations plants have made to live there.
Saving Ancient Walnut Forests In the Valleys of Central AsiaSaving Ancient Walnut Forests In the Valleys of Central Asia,
08 SEP 2011: REPORT,
By Mike Ives, Environment 360,
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies,
Article with two photos.
Sierra Nevada Snowpack Worst in Five Centuries Sierra Nevada Snowpack Worst in Five Centuries,
September 14, 2015,
By Larry O'Hanlon,,
Tree rings suggest that California's dwindling snowpack is truly epic.
The Ecological Importance of the Yellow-Bellied SapsuckerThe Ecological Importance of the Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker,
Written by MikeDeHaan,
Scribol staff,
Why would the yellow-bellied sapsucker be so important to other specie? Find out here.
The Sneaky Reason Why Plants Bear Fleshy Fruit
The Sneaky Reason Why Plants Bear Fleshy Fruit,,
Many plants rely on the wind to transport their seeds. However, in thick forests this system proved difficult. How did plants sol
There Are 3 Trillion Trees on the PlanetThere Are 3 Trillion Trees on the Planet,
September 3, 2015,
By Staff,
We're outnumbered -- that comes to 422 trees per human being. But their numbers are dwindling.
Visit the World's Most Amazing Old-Growth ForestsVisit the World's Most Amazing Old-Growth Forests,
August 4, 2015,
By Matt Blitz,,
Here are some of the best places to hug centuries-old trees
What America's Forests Looked Like 400 Years AgoWhat America's Forests Looked Like 400 Years Ago,
November 13, 2013,
By Becky Oskin, LiveScience,
Discovery News,
All-text article with related photo galleries.
What is Missing? part 2What is Missing? part 2,
By Maya Lin,
What is Missing? Foundation,
Video length: 03:44 on mass extinction in different habitats. Very good!
World Biomes - Forest World Biomes - Forest,,
Two photos and descriptions of boreal or taiga forest, temperate deciduous forests, and tropical rainforests.