Check out the general resources on biomes and ecosystems

4-3 Biomes
4-3 Biomes, Google Docs, Great web site! A presentation that covers all biomes and includes brief explanation of each with photographs, illustrations, videos, and more.
9(k). Characteristics of the Earth's Terrestrial Biomes
9(k). Characteristics of the Earth's Terrestrial Biomes, Fundamentals of Physical Geography e-Book, Excellent resource on the diversity of plant and animal life in deserts, grasslands, forests, th
Aquarium Exhibits, Live Web Cams, and Information About Life in the Ocean
Aquarium Exhibits, Live Web Cams, and Information About Life in the Ocean Monterey Bay Aquarium It just doesn't get any better this this! Fabulous web site; be sure to check it all out.
Aquatic and Terrestrial Biomes
Aquatic and Terrestrial Biomes, Department of Biology, University of Miami, Great resource! A lecture on biomes geared to middle school students and teachers; a combination of text, illustrations
Biomes, Geosciences Department, University of Arizona, Great site! Large colorful pictures of deciduous, boreal (taiga), and temperate forests; grasslands, chaparral, deserts, and rain forests.
Biomes Department of Geosciences University of Arizona A long page with large photographs of worldwide biomes.
Explain the organization of the ecosystem?
Explain the organization of the ecosystem?,, All-text article on the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems.
Gallery: First Red List of Endangered Ecosystems
Gallery: First Red List of Endangered Ecosystems, May 13, 2013, By Becky Oskin, Senior Writer, Live Science, Has photos with descriptions.
Habitats of Birds
Habitats of Birds,, Habitats in the eastern U.S. are the only ones listed here; they include Atlantic & Gulf shores, eastern forests, grasslands, and wetlands. Each page has a descr
I Spy an Ecosystem
I Spy an Ecosystem, By By Tamara Harms, Illustrated by Sabine Deviche, Arizona State University, School of Life Science, An easy-to-understand presentation on ecosystems and places they can be
Nature Files
Nature Files, Nature Works, New Hampshire Public Television, The Nature Files provide an abundance of information on ecosystems and over two hundred different animal species. Each animal has its o
Underground Adventure
Underground Adventure, The Field Museum, "What do you think life would be like if you lived underground? You've come to the right place to find out!"
What is Missing? parts 3 & 4
What is Missing? parts 3 & 4, by Maya Lin, What is Missing? Foundation, Video length: 04:27.
World's Biomes
World's Biomes, University of California, Museum of Paleontology, A nice exhibit on each of the five major biomes. 'These exhibits explore the ancestor/descendant relationships which connect all