Invasive plant species wreck havoc in the ecosystems where they are introduced. Find resources on species that can disrupt food chains and food webs.

10 Extremely Invasive Predatory Animals
10 Extremely Invasive Predatory Animals, Sept. 02, 2013, By Ann Webb, Scribol Staff, Twenty one photos of animals, with descriptions.
8-foot-long carnivorous cat-eating lizards are invading Florida
8-foot-long carnivorous cat-eating lizards are invading Florida, April 10, 2015, By Kevin Loria, Business Insider, The exotic pet trade has a way of introducing destructive and potentially dange
Alaska Vulnerable to Invasive Species from Warmer Waters
Alaska Vulnerable to Invasive Species from Warmer Waters, Published by: John Barrat, Sep 1, 2011, The Ocean Portal Blog, Smithsonian Institute, Article with one photograph; click to view in pop
Alien Species Reconsidered: Finding a Value in Non-Natives
Alien Species Reconsidered: Finding a Value in Non-Natives, Feb. 24, 2011, By Carl Zimmer, Yale Environment 360, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, All-text article.
Combating Lake Tahoe's Invasive Clams With Rubber Mats
Combating Lake Tahoe's Invasive Clams With Rubber Mats, Analysis by Zahra Hirji, Tue Jul 13, 2010, Discovery News, Article with one small photo.
Could Eastern Europe's Killer Shrimp Invade America Next?
Could Eastern Europe's Killer Shrimp Invade America Next? Written by MikeDeHaan, Scribol Staff, "A tongue-in-cheek report of a true environmental problem: "Killer shrimp" have invaded England. Co
Do Not Harm Invasive Species That Pollinate, Study Warns
Do Not Harm Invasive Species That Pollinate, Study Warns, Nov. 16, 2011, ScienceDaily, Article with photograph; click to enlarge.
Ecologists: Screen Plant Imports to Foil Invasives
Ecologists: Screen Plant Imports to Foil Invasives, Released: 1/5/2012, Source: University of Massachusetts Amherst,, All-text article.
EEK! Eurasian Water-milfoil
EEK! Eurasian Water-milfoil, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Text and illustration for younger students.
Fall Yard Clean-Up: What to Do With Those Invasive Plants?
Fall Yard Clean-Up: What to Do With Those Invasive Plants?, by Trail Champion on 12 Oct 2011, The Castlegar Source, Article with photograph; click to view in pop-up window.
Fast-growing invasive species discovered along Oregon's coast
Fast-growing invasive species discovered along Oregon's coast, By Scott Learn, The Oregonian, Thursday, May 13, 2010, Article with one photo.
Feral swine threaten Michigan's ecosystem
Feral swine threaten Michigan's ecosystem, By Russ White, May 08, 2012,, All-text article.
Food for thought for Antarctic scientists
Food for thought for Antarctic scientists, October 17 2011, By Sheree Bega, IOL South African News, Article with one photo.
For predators, invasive species are like junk foods
For predators, invasive species are like junk foods, October 14, 2015, By Brooks Hays,, COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 14 (UPI) -- Invasive species are like junk foods -- only acceptable as an o
How Native Plants and Exotics Coexist
How Native Plants and Exotics Coexist, Nov. 30, 2012, Science Daily, All-text article.
How We Created a Monster In the American Southwest
How We Created a Monster In the American Southwest, October 9, 2015, By Candace Hughes,, The salt cedar is often seen as an un-killable invader. But are humans the real reason
Invaders: How Burmese Pythons Are Devouring the Everglades
Invaders: How Burmese Pythons Are Devouring the Everglades, January 31, 2012, By Bryan Walsh, Time Magazine, "Burmese pythons are eating machines. An adult snake can grow to nearly 20 ft., and i
Invasion of the earthworms, mapped and analyzed
Invasion of the earthworms, mapped and analyzed, April 22, 2015, Ohio State University, Science Daily, The ongoing research project at The Ohio State University, the University of Alberta and
Invasion of the Snakeheads!
Invasion of the Snakeheads!, National Geographic, Video length: 03:38.
Invasive Fish Species
Invasive Fish Species,, All-text article.
Invasive Species
Invasive Species, New Hampshire Public Television, Image Credits:, If you're not sure what they are, read about them here.
Invasive Species in the Great Lakes
Invasive Species in the Great Lakes, Article by Terrie Schultz,, All-text article.
Invasive Species Menace Florida Ecosystem
Invasive Species Menace Florida Ecosystem, By Paul Darin, The Epoch Times Staff, Article with one photograph; click to view in pop-up window.
Invasive Species We Can Blame On Shakespeare
The Invasive Species We Can Blame On Shakespeare, October 4, 2011, Posted By: Sarah Zielinski, Smithsonian Institute Surprising Science Blog, Article with photograph; click for another view.
Kalamazoo River Declared Free of Asian Carp
Kalamazoo River Declared Free of Asian Carp, August 23, 2013, By Tamarra Kemsley, Nature World News, Article with one photo of the Asian carp.
Meet the aliens in UK waters
Meet the aliens in UK waters, BBC News, A slideshow (with audio) of non-native species that are invading UK waters.
Pathogen-carrying invasive fish from China offers risks to US resources
Pathogen-carrying invasive fish from China offers risks to US resources, October 23, 2015, Florida Institute of Technology, Discover why this specie poses such a threat.
Piranhas, other dangerous exotic species found in Texas' waterways
Piranhas, other dangerous exotic species found in Texas' waterways, Updated September 27, 2011, By SHANNON TOMPKINS, Copyright 2011 Houston Chronicle, Article with five photographs.
Return of the Slime
Return of the Slime, Released: 3/1/2012, Source: Michigan Technological University,, All-text article.
Ship-Riding Invasive Species Mapped
Ship-Riding Invasive Species Mapped, MAY 8, 2013, BY ALYSSA DANIGELIS, Discovery News, Brief article with photo.
Ships must kill off the beasties in the ballast water
Ships must kill off the beasties in the ballast water, April 1, 2013, By Fred Pearce, New Scientist, All-text article.
Silent Invaders Episode 1: Sea Lamprey
Silent Invaders Episode 1: Sea Lamprey, By Wildlifeforever,, Video length: 21:34.
Someone dumped a few pet goldfish into a Colorado lake, and now there are 4,000 ruining the ecosystem
Someone dumped a few pet goldfish into a Colorado lake, and now there are 4,000 ruining the ecosystem, April 9, 2015, By Amanda Macias, Business Insider, Combination of text and photographs.
The Invaders - Video
The Invaders, Canada Nature Museum, Video length: 3:01
The Invading Pest That's Destroying Florida's Citrus Orchards
The Invading Pest That's Destroying Florida's Citrus Orchards, Written by MikeDeHaan, Scribol Staff, Article with photos.
The Invading Pest That's Destroying Florida's Citrus Orchards
The Invading Pest That's Destroying Florida's Citrus Orchards, By MikeDeHaan, Scribol Staff, Combination of text and photos.
The Invasion of the American North-East by the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
The Invasion of the American North-East by the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Written by MikeDeHaan, Scribol Staff, Article with photos.
Thousands of Dead Mice Parachuted Into Guam
Thousands of Dead Mice Parachuted Into Guam, December 5, 2013, Alyssa Danigelis, Discovery News, Live Science, See what the USDA has done trying to eradicate brown tree snakes.
To Save a Lake, Kill its Fish: Invasive Species Threaten South Dakota Lake's Game Fish
To Save a Lake, Kill its Fish: Invasive Species Threaten South Dakota Lake's Game Fish, August 26, 2013, By James A. Foley, Nature World News, Article with a photo of the invasive specie.
When Animals and Plants Become Alien Invaders
When Animals and Plants Become Alien Invaders, Written by Rich Morgan, Scribol Staff, Article with amazing photos.
Windfall needed to wipe out invasive species
Windfall needed to wipe out invasive species, By Stephanie Tavares, Law Vegas Sun, Thursday, March 11, 2010, Article with one photograph; click to enlarge.