Organisms can profit from one-sided, co-operative, and a two-way benefit relationship with other organisms. Find out what plants and animals belong to these types of relationships.

 Animals & Insects
 Marine Environments
101 Science: Symbiosis
101 Science: Symbiosis Explains the different kinds of symbiosis and provides examples of each.
Competition, Predation, and Symbiosis | Biology | Ecology
Competition, Predation, and Symbiosis | Biology | Ecology greatpacificmedia | January 02, 2010 Video length: 03:20.
How animals have developed symbiotic relationships with their environments over time
How animals have developed symbiotic relationships with their environments over time by Gemma Wiseman A symbiotic relationship is a convenience arrangement based on physical need. Th
How Symbiosis Works
How Symbiosis Works, by Ed Grabianowski, How Stuff Works, Excellent article with photographs and explanations of different symbiotic relationships.
Mutualism Examples and definition of symbiotic and mutualism relationships.
Mutualistic Relationships
Mutualistic Relationships The Open Door Web Site Photos and description of lichen and ruminants and micro-organisms
Symbiosis Department of Biology and Environmental Science Marietta College Excellent resource! Good combination of large photographs and text on parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism.
Symbiosis Golson Science Center Learn about the different types of interaction.
Symbiosis 2
Symbiosis 2 Submitted by Larry World of Teaching A Powerpoint presentation of specie that live in commensalism, mutualistic, and parasitic relationships.
Symbiosis and Interliving: Joining Up is Life Root Process
Symbiosis and Interliving: Joining Up is Life Root Process Morning Earth Great site! Wonderful photos and explanations of what symbiosis and interliving are. Scroll down to access five lenses tha
Symbiosis and Other Ecological Interactions
Symbiosis and Other Ecological Interactions Biology Questions and Answers Learn here mutualism (symbiosis), commensalism, predatism, parasitism, ammensalism and other interactions among living bei
Types of Interactions: Examples of Symbiosis
Types of Interactions: Examples of Symbiosis Mr. Murray's Science Interactive 14 question test on predation, parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism.