Aardvark - Wikipedia


The Aardvark (Orycteropus afer) (afer: from Africa) is a medium-sized, burrowing, nocturnal mammal native to Africa.[2] It is sometimes called "antbear", "anteater", "Cape anteater" (after the Cape of Good Hope), "earth hog" or "earth pig".

The aardvark is nocturnal and is a solitary creature that feeds almost exclusively on ants and termites (formicivore);[5] the only fruit eaten by aardvarks is the aardvark cucumber. An aardvark emerges from its burrow in the late afternoon or shortly after sunset, and forages over a considerable home range encompassing 10 to 30 kilometers,[2] swinging its long nose from side to side to pick up the scent of food.

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