Alligator Snapping Turtle
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Alligator snappers are opportunistic carnivores more often at a young age, but are also scavengers. In northern states such as Michigan young hatchlings will live off of plants also, such as water lettuce and other floating grass, shrub, and flower-like organisms. They usally obtain this behavior when food is scarce or when it is early in the summer months. As they mature they become omnivores and do not pose a threat to fish populations. Fishermen have glorified the species' ability to catch fish and to deplete fish populations. Minnows are usually the main source of meat for the species at a young age. They will eat almost anything they can catch. Their natural diet consists primarily of fish and dead fish carcasses (usually thrown overboard by fishermen), invertebrates, carrion, and amphibians, but they are also known to eat snakes, and even other turtles. In captivity they may consume almost any kind of meat provided, including beef, chicken and pork although these are not always healthy on a day to day basis. Though not a primary food source for them, adult Alligator snappers have been known to kill and eat small alligators[6] they have been confined with, such as in a net, small bog, or poorly-planned aquarium display.[citation needed]
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