Biomefirst, Tundra
Biomefirst, Tundra
By Linse K., Erica J., and Kirstin D.
The Tundra is a large area of cold dry land that stretches across Canada, Northern Russia, and Northern Alaska. The climate is very cold almost the entire year and there is a very short growing season in the brief summer. The average temperature is around -18.4 degrees F (-28 degrees C), sometimes as low as -58 degrees F.
Animals Some of the animals that live in the Tundra include caribou Rangifer tarandus, musk ox--Ovibos moschatus, lemmings (Lemmus sibiricus), and snowy owls (Nyctea scandiaca). In extreme conditions polar bears(Ursas maritimus), make their home.
Plants Because the Tundra contains a harsh climate trees can not live in this extreme biome, if they do the trees are very short. Nonvascular plants, like mosses and liverworts, can survive in the Tundra because they grow not but a few inches from the ground some include, caribou moss (Cladonia rangiferina), and peat moss (Sphagnum pulchrum). Heather (Erica ciliaris), labrador tea (Ledum groenlandicum), and tufted saxafrage (Saxfraga caepitosa), are just some of the vascular plants that can survive the harsh conditions of the Tundra.
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