

The movie Finding Nemo has had people going crazy over Clown Fish and more Clown Fish facts have thus come into the open. The articles below will help you learn more about clown fish. The Clown Fish is found in the sea and comprises of about 30 different species. These fish are very colorful with coloring that ranges from yellow and maroon to shades of orange. The most common coloration found is a bright orange intermingled with white stripes

Clown Fish are commonly found in the warm waters. The Pacific Ocean, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean are some places where Clown Fish abound. The peculiar name of the fish comes from its cheerful coloring and its active disposition. Many people mistakenly believe that the Clown Fish is really fooling around with all his antics. But, in reality the Clown Fish is an aggressive fish and they are very territorial. They go to great lengths to protect their territory.

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