- Reference, Facts, News - Free and Family-Friendly Resources - Reference, Facts, News - Free and Family-Friendly Resources


Vision Statement: Since 1995, Refdesk is a free and family-friendly web site that indexes and reviews quality, credible, and current web-based resources.

The Internet is the world's largest library containing millions of books, artifacts, images, documents, maps, etc. There is but one small problem in this library: everything is scattered about on the floor, with growing hordes of confused and bewildered users frantically shifting through the maze, occasionally crying out, "Great Scott, look at what I just found!"

Enter refdesk.

By trade I am a Family Therapist, a clinically trained, MSW social worker. I am the first born - three months before Pearl Harbor - child of a librarian who probably knew the Dewey Decimal Classification before I knew how to walk :-). My mind likes to create and maintain order. In June 1995, I began refdesk in an attempt to bring some semblance of order to the chaos of the Internet. Somewhere along the way, refdesk became my passion, my source of bliss. I took Joseph Campbell's advice and followed my bliss. Amazing adventures have ensued, along with meeting hundreds of people world wide. Such is the nature of the Internet. We are next door neighbors, you and I. My son, Matthew, is editor of the successful Drudge Report. Matt calls himself a "Citizen Reporter," and his work has come to symbolize First Amendment issues on the Net.

Refdesk has three goals: (1) fast access, (2) intuitive and easy navigation and (3) comprehensive content, rationally indexed. The prevailing philosophy here is: simplicity. "Simplicity is the natural result of profound thought." And, very difficult to achieve.