Spartina alterniflora (Smooth Cordgrass or Saltmarsh Cordgrass)
Spartina alterniflora (Smooth Cordgrass or Saltmarsh Cordgrass)
Spartina alterniflora (Smooth Cordgrass or Saltmarsh Cordgrass) is a perennial deciduous grass which is found in intertidal wetlands, especially estuarine salt marshes. It grows 1-1.5 m tall, and has smooth, hollow stems which bear leaves up to 20-60 cm long and 1.5 cm wide at their base, which are sharply tapered and bend down at their tips. Like its relative Saltmeadow Cordgrass S. patens, it produces flowers and seeds on only one side of the stalk. The flowers are a yellowish-green, turning brown by the winter. It has rhizoidial roots, which, when broken off, can result in vegetative asexual growth. The roots are an important food resource for Snow Geese.
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