The Indian ocean separates Africa and Australia and is the third largest ocean in world. It covers 15% of the earth.

2012 Indian Ocean Earthquake May Be Dry Run for Devastating Tsunami
2012 Indian Ocean Earthquake May Be Dry Run for Devastating Tsunami, Written by: Glacier.Analytics, Scribol Staff, The April 11, 2012 earthquake off the coast of Indonesia caused only a minor tsu
Dive and Discover: Central Indian Ridge Expedition 4
Central Indian Ridge Expedition 4 Dive and Discover "Dive and Discover's first expedition of 2001 will be a 40 day long voyage to explore for hydrothermal vents at the mid-ocean ridge in the centr
Indian Ocean Seas
Indian Ocean Seas By Amanda Briney, Contributing Writer ThoughtCo. This page has a large photo showing the size of the Indian ocean, an introduction, and the ocean's geography.
Stunning Emerald Green Arabian Sea May Herald Ecosystem Disaster
Stunning Emerald Green Arabian Sea May Herald Ecosystem Disaster, September 9, 2014, By Becky Oskin, Senior Writer, Live Science, The Arabian Sea is now more likely to glow emerald green inste
The Dreamlike Beauty of Dolphins Captured on Camera by Red Sea Divers
The Dreamlike Beauty of Dolphins Captured on Camera by Red Sea Divers, By Yohani Kamarudin, Scribol Staff,, Close-up photos with descriptions.
Walking shark discovered in Indonesia
Walking shark discovered in Indonesia, By New Scientist, Video length: 0:49.
West Indian Ocean
West Indian Ocean National Geographic Video Video length: 03:30 min. "Two of the world's swiftest currents connect off the east coast of Africa, creating some of the richest biological areas of