Find pictures and resources on the species that live in the deepest of oceans.

"Brittle Star City" Found on Antarctic Seamount
"Brittle Star City" Found on Antarctic Seamount Dave Hansford in Wellington, New Zealand for National Geographic News May 20, 2008 A teeming horde of brittle stars has been discovered atop an un
'Seuss-like' Sea Creatures Discovered
'Seuss-like' Sea Creatures Discovered LiveScience Staff 04 February 2009 "New deep-sea creatures discovered Down Under." Visit the website to learn more.
13 Amazing Members of the Deep Sea Community
13 Amazing Members of the Deep Sea Community, Written by Alka Sharma, Scribol Staff, "Thirteen of of the most amazing and mystifying members of the deep sea, all of which will take your breath aw
20 Freakish Creatures from the Depths of Russia's White Sea
20 Freakish Creatures from the Depths of Russia's White Sea, Photo: Alexander Semenov, Written by: Simone Preuss, Scribol Staff, Fantastic photos with brief descriptions!!
24 Bizarre Creatures of the Deep
24 Bizarre Creatures of the Deep, Christian Science Monitor, Amazing images!
7 Bioluminescent Creatures That Light Up the Ocean
7 Bioluminescent Creatures That Light Up the Ocean, Photos by various sources, Written By: Written by: Elaine Furst, Scribol Staff, "Imagine lighting up a room literally all by yourself. Well, t
A Sub and a Sea Toad
A Sub and a Sea Toad Published by: Cristina Castillo - Jul 8, 2011 The Ocean Blog Smithsonian Institute "Researchers with the Smithsonian's Deep Reef Observation Project (DROP) collected this
Amazing and weird creatures exhibit bioluminescence - Blue Planet - BBC Earth
Amazing and weird creatures exhibit bioluminescence - Blue Planet - BBC Earth Angler fish and other monsters from the dark depths of the ocean attract unsuspecting fish with their w
Collection: Beautiful Sea Monsters
Collection: Beautiful Sea Monsters Encyclopedia of Life Wonderful collection! View photographs and extensive information on a long list marine life. After you choose which one you want to learn
Colony of sea whips - Oceans - BBC
Colony of sea whips - Oceans BBCEarth | April 16, 2010 Doctor Lucy Blue and the team explore the tannin-stained waters of the Sunken Valley, home to sea whips and other deep-ocean creatures that
Creatures of the Deep: Basket Star
Creatures of the Deep: Basket Star Ocean Life NOAA This creepy creature can grow its limbs back if they are broken; video is a little over 1 minute.
Deep sea anglerfish
Deep sea anglerfish Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation Natural History In some species of anglerfish, the males are tiny, with simplified body features, and they live as parasites on the females
Deep Sea Creatures
Deep Sea Creatures From this page you can access information on deep sea fishes, sharks, whales, and seals. Most of the pages provide a description, photo, and information on a s
Deep Sea Creatures on Sea and Sky
Deep Sea Creatures on Sea and Sky After a journey of several hours, your robot submarine has reached the deep sea where light can no longer penetrate. It is pitch black outside, and the
Deep Sea Strangers: Fascinating and bizarre creatures from the ocean's depth
Deep Sea Strangers: Fascinating and bizarre creatures from the ocean's depth Sheppard Software Meet some of the weird looking creatures that live in the deep sea. Click on an illustration to learn
Deep Sea Tripod Fish
Deep Sea Tripod Fish Description This fish walks on the ocean floor with its fins. This fish has three of its fins greatly extended to form a tripod which allows the fis
Deep Sea TV
Deep Sea TV, The Washington Post, "Amazing undersea images from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Okeanos Explorer, which is filming in the deep sea off the Northeast coast."
Deep, Open Ocean Most Underexplored Area
Deep, Open Ocean Most Underexplored Area, Aug 5, 201, By Kat Piper, Epoch Times, "Scientists know the least about the largest habitat for life on Earth-the deep, open ocean-according to a study
Deep-Sea Critter Has Spaghetti-Like Appendages
Deep-Sea Critter Has Spaghetti-Like Appendages, August 14, 2015, By Elizabeth Palermo, Livescience, Discovery News, It's white. It's weird. It looks like a bowl of noodles turned upside down u
Deepest Fish | Deep sea fish
Deepest Fish | Deep sea fish The world's record holder for deepest fish goes to the brotulid* family, about which scientists know almost nothing. These fish are benthopelagic, l
Deepest Ocean Water Teems With Life
Deepest Ocean Water Teems With Life, February 23, 2015, By Becky Oskin, Senior Writer, Live Science, "Microscopic bacteria thrive in seawater at the lowest point on Earth's surface, the Marian
Dive and Discover: Hot Topics: Deep Sea Biology
Dive and Discover: Hot Topics: Deep Sea Biology By Rhian Waller and Tim Shank Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Read how deep-sea animals have adapted to the lack of light and extreme conditio
Diving for Crabs in the Deep Sea
Diving for Crabs in the Deep Sea Published by: Cristina Castillo 07/14/2011 The Ocean Portal Blog Smithsonian Institute A 02:33 minute video explaining a dive researchers were in "Curaçao look
Dragonfish from Australia
Dragonfish from Australia Smithsonian Institute Ocean Portal A fish with teeth on its tongue? Check out this photo!
Encountering Sea Monsters Video: Humboldt Squid Makes Contact
Encountering Sea Monsters Video: Humboldt Squid Makes Contact PBS Nature Series A Humboldt squid rockets up out of the darkness, meeting Bob Cranston in the middle of a cloud of krill. Agressive
Endless Oceans: Monsters of the Deep!
Endless Oceans: Monsters of the Deep! Posted by AndrosEnigmaX Novembef 14, 2008 This video is about the strange, & beautiful deep sea life in Earth's deepest oceans. The video g
Freaky Shark 'Out of a Horror Movie' Caught by Fisherman
Freaky Shark 'Out of a Horror Movie' Caught by Fisherman, January 22, 2015, by Tanya Lewis, Staff Writer, Normally found in deep seas, this shark was caught by an Australian fi
Giant Jellyfish!!!
Giant Jellyfish!!! By Karl Fabricius, Scribol Staff, You have to see this to believe it!! Jelly fish that can grow to 200 lbs., seven feet wide, and can sink trawlers?? Each photograph has a desc
Giant Squid: Caught on Camera (pt.1)
Giant Squid: Caught on Camera (pt.1) DiscoveryTV | June 03, 2009
In Photos: Spooky Deep-Sea Creatures
In Photos: Spooky Deep-Sea Creatures, October 24, 2011, By Remy Melina, LiveScience Staff Writer, Twenty-one amazing photos with descriptions.
Layers of the Ocean
Layers of the Ocean, Sea & Sky Organization, Ever wondered what depths the ocean zones have? There's a good illustration here. On the right side of the page are links for "Deep Sea Creatures".
Life in the Deep Ocean
Life in the Deep Ocean by Lisa Gardiner Windows to the Universe University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Great site! Lots of photographs. This cold, dark world offers some ver
LIFE: Creatures of the Deep : Discovery Channel
LIFE: Creatures of the Deep Discovery Channel Premiered on the Discover Channel, the LIFE series shows how diverse animals and plant are and the strategies they have developed to stay alive. In t
New treasures from out of the blue
New treasures from out of the blue November 7, 2008 New Scientist View photos and descriptions of new species discovered by the Census of Marine Life.
NOVA Online | Into the Abyss | Life in the Abyss
NOVA Online | Into the Abyss | Life in the Abyss by Peter Tyson Living at Extremes If there is a harsher place to live than a hydrothermal vent, it hasn't been found yet. Pitch darknes
Okeanos: Beauty From the Bottom of the Ocean
Okeanos: Beauty From the Bottom of the Ocean Credit: NOAA "This highlight video from Leg 3 of the INDEX 2010 Exploration focuses on spectacular benthic footage of the highly bio
Orange Sea Pen JPEG
Orange Sea Pen JPEG Visit the web site for the photo.
Picture of the Week Deep Sea Angler Fish
Picture of the Week Deep Sea Angler Fish Image Quest 3-D Illustrated here are the larval and adult forms of deep sea angler fish. Deep sea anglers, suborder Ceratioidea, are represented by about 1
Protozoan Protozoan, a one-celled organism. A protozoan is a eukaryote, an organism characterized by having its hereditary material enclosed in a nucleus bounded by a membrane.
Scary Fish Caught on Camera for the First Time
Scary Fish Caught on Camera for the First Time, November 25, 2014, The Weather Channel, Video - 0.51.
Sea anemone
Sea anemone From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sea anemones are a group of water dwelling, predatory animals of the order Actiniaria; they are named after the anemone, a terrestrial flower. A
Sea Bottom: Arctic Floor Biodiversity
Sea Bottom: Arctic Floor Biodiversity Arctic Ocean Diversity "This section provides images and background on the groups of organisms that call the seafloor their home. It is intended to be primari
Sea Creature Unchanged for 500 Million Years
Sea Creature Unchanged for 500 Million Years Sep 11, 2012. By Jennifer Viegas Discovery News "A tiny sea creatures known as rhabdopleurids proves that staying the course can be very successful
Sea Creatures from the Deep: A Video by National Geographic and the Census of Marine Life
Census Deep Sea Creatures, Census of Marine Life deep sea creature video co-produced by National Geographic Amazing video! "In this video co-produced by the Census of Marine Life and National G
Snorkling with golden jellyfish - Pacific Abyss - BBC
Snorkling with golden jellyfish - Pacific Abyss - BBC BBCEarth | January 12, 2010 Kate Humble enjoys a spectacular experience as she snorkels through hundreds upon hundreds of gently pulsing gol
Sperm whale Vs giant squid
Sperm whale Vs giant squid tepapamuseum December 18, 2007 Dive with a sperm whale and join the hunt for the giant squid. This amazing experience is based on real scientific data taken from dig
Squid #2 at Little Mill Point, St. Croix, USVI -- 3 Very Rare Calamari...
Squid #2 at Little Mill Point, St. Croix, USVI -- 3 Very Rare Calamari... Keith & Diane Nelson Visit the web site for the video.
The Deep Sea @
The Deep Sea "Over 60% of our planet is covered by water more than a mile deep. The deep sea is the largest habitat on earth and is largely unexplored. More people have traveled into
The deep sea angler Video
The deep sea angler Visit the web site for the video.
The fish collectors - Pacific Abyss - BBC
The fish collectors - Pacific Abyss BBCEarth | March 05, 2010 Divers descend to never before seen depths to collect rare specimens of tropical fish in the Abyss. With the water pressure a consta
The Luminescent Beauty of Deep Sea Squirts
The Luminescent Beauty of Deep Sea Squirts, Written by tonyleather, Scribol Staff, "They are among the smallest creatures in the oceans, yet Tunicates, or Sea-Squirts, provide an awesome array of
The Strange Beauty of Benthic Sea Creatures
The Strange Beauty of Benthic Sea Creatures, Written by Michele Collet, Scribol Staff, "Here are some really scary creatures that live on the deep sea bed..." Visit the website for photos and
Vampire Squid from Hell (3200 Feet Under Sea Level)
Vampire Squid from Hell (3200 Feet Under Sea Level) Visit the web site for the video.
Vampire squid from hell eats faeces to survive depths
Vampire squid from hell eats faeces to survive depths 26 September 2012, By Hannah Krakauer, New Scientist By eating dead animals and other waste, vampire squid can live in parts of the ocean
Video: Bone Eating Zombie Worms Use Acid
Video: Bone Eating Zombie Worms Use Acid By Nina Sen, Life's Little Mysteries Contributor, July 04, 2012, Scientists have discovered that tiny bone-devouring zombie worms calle
Weirdos by Lisa Gardiner Windows to the Universe You might think that butterflyfish and eels are weird. But they are normal compared to these fish! Those that live in deep waters have small li