The Mohave desert is primarily in southeastern California, but extends into parts of Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. Discover the plants and wildlife that have adapted to the Mohave.

Desert Ecosystem
Desert Ecosystem, Digital Desert: Mohave Desert, Pictures and text describing the desert ecosystem in Joshua Tree National Park.
Joshua Tree National Park - Mojave Desert
Joshua Tree National Park - Mojave Desert, Pictures by QT Luong,, Great photos! Click on pictures to enlarge.
Mohave Natural Preserve - Photos & Multimedia
Mohave Natural Preserve - Photos & Multimedia, National Park Service, Scroll down the page until you see the topic "Wildlife Critter Cam (33 Photos)." You can view the pictures one-by-one or in a
Mojave Desert
Mojave Desert The Mojave Desert (pronounced /moʊˈhɑːvi/ or /məˈhɑːvi/), (Hayikwiir Mat'aar[1] in Mojave), locally referred to as the High Desert, occupies a significant por
Mojave Desert
Mojave Desert, Digital-Desert, Wonderful website loaded with information and photos on history, Indians, habitats, plants, and a close-up photos of wildflowers.
Mojave Desert
Mojave Desert,, "The transition from the hot Sonoran Desert to the cooler and higher Great Basin is called the Mojave Desert." Visit the website for information on the Mojave and its
Mojave Desert
Mojave Desert, Elisabeth Benders-Hyde, West Tisbury Elementary School,, Created by students for students.
Panoramas Teutonia Peak, Mojave Desert
Panoramas Teutonia Peak, Mojave Desert,, Image Credit: Andrew Rader Studios. Check out this panoramic view!!