In the United States, grasslands are also known as prairies and can either be short-grass prairies or tall-grass prairies; the amount of rain is the determining factor. Prairies get enough moisture to support hundreds of animal, bird and plant species.

 Plants & Grasses
4th Grade Science - Life Science - Prairie Ecosystem
4th Grade Science - Life Science - Prairie Ecosystem, Fremont Magnet Elementary School, Photos of grasslands, wildlife special features, and herbivores.
Biofuel rush is wiping out unique American grasslands
Biofuel rush is wiping out unique American grasslands Feb. 18, 2013, by Andy Coghlan, New Scientist, All-text article.
Biomes Movie - The KidsKnowIt Network
Biomes Movie, An interactive learning movie by the KidsKnowIt Network.
EEK! Wisconsin Prairies
EEK! Wisconsin Prairies, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Click on the poster to learn about the plants and animals that live in Wisconsin's prairies.
Everglades Communities: Sawgrass Prairie
Everglades Communities: Sawgrass Prairie, Everglades Imagery, Just one page of a much larger website with photos and descriptions of areas, plants, and wildlife in the Everglades.
Fort Riley Prescribed Burning
Fort Riley Prescribed Burning, USAECupdate, May 23, 2008, Video length: 01:10.
Grasslands, West Wharwick Elementary School, Rhode Island, Photos and descriptions it locations and land, climate, plant and animal life, and more.
Interesting Facts About the Temperate Grassland
Interesting Facts About the Temperate Grassland, By Tim Altork, eHow Contributor, Four photos with descriptions.
K4 Modules: Biomes, Grasslands
K4 Modules: Biomes, Grasslands, Exploring the Environment, NASA Classroom of the Future, Wheeling Jesuit University, Maps and information on tropical and temperate grasslands.
Louisiana's Cajun Prairie: An Endangered Ecosystem
Louisiana's Cajun Prairie: An Endangered Ecosystem, Story by Fred Kimmel,, Great article packed with photos and information.
Prairie Panoramas
Prairie Panoramas,, Panoramas and closeups of the Fermilab prairie throughout the growing season.
Prairie Quick Facts
Prairie Quick Facts, Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area, For younger students.
Prairie Quick Facts
Prairie Quick Facts, By CampSilos, There are several classroom activities here; you can read about the plants, animals, and size of tall grass prairies in the U.S.
Rugged Beauty: Comanche Grasslands
Rugged Beauty: Comanche Grasslands, Front Range Living, Colorado monthly online newsletter, All-text article.
Stroll into a Simpler Time : Chatfield
Stroll into a Simpler Time : Chatfield, By Colleen Smith, Front Range Living, Colorado monthly online newsletter, Photos and text describing 750 acres of land containing prairies, wetlands, flor
Switchgrass, Island Creek Elementary School, Fairfax County Public Schools, Wonderful page of photos, with descriptions, of switchgrass. Scroll down to learn about wildlife that use it for food o
Tall Grass Prairie Photo
Tall Grass Prairie Photo, Center For Social Research, Parkland College, Visit the web site for the photo; click the photo for a closeer look at that area.
Tallgrass Prairie in Illinois
Tallgrass Prairie in Illinois, By Ken Robertson, Illinois Natural History Survey, This mostly all-text website does have some wonderful close-up photos of prairie plants.
Temperate grassland
Temperate grassland,, Photos and descriptions of temperate grasslands.
The Grassland Biome
The Grassland Biome,, Combination of photos and text.
Videos of prescribed burning for prairie management.
Videos of prescribed burning for prairie management. By Doug Collicutt, Nature North, Article with 3 videos. According to the author 'I hope you'll take note of the care and preparations tha
What's It Like Where You Live? - Grasslands
What's It Like Where You Live? - Grasslands, Missouri Botanical Garden, For younger students.
Without Biodiversity, Ecosystems Grow Unstable
Without Biodiversity, Ecosystems Grow Unstable, April 26, 2015, By Nathan Collins, Pacific Standard, Discover the conditions that affect biodiversity in grasslands in this study.
Wolf Road Prairie Virtual Tour
Wolf Road Prairie Virtual Tour, Save the Prairie Organization, Photographs and descriptions of plants and animals at the Wolf Road Prairie in Illinois.