Find photos and resources on the plant life in the deepest parts of oceans.

Benthos NatureWorks New Hampshire Public Television Stuck on the Bottom The benthos live on the ocean floor. Starfish, oysters, clams, sea cucumbers, brittlestars and anemone are all benthos.
Diatom Kids Net Australia - Encyclopedia Visit the web site for the article.
diatom -
diatom - Infoplease.comdiatom (dī'utom", -tōm") [key], unicellular organism of the kingdom Protista, characterized by a silica shell of often intricate and beautiful sculpturing. Most diatoms exi
Marine Diatomes, Ever Wonder?
Marine Diatomes, Ever Wonder? Earthguide | Marine Life University of California, San Diego Whether lush in the east or spare in the west, terrestrial vegetation such as grasses and trees play t