Coastal plants have to be tolerant of winds and ocean spray loaded with salt and sand. Discover the life of marine algae, coastal grasses, kelp forests, eelgrass, rockweeds, and other specie.

Eelgrass Habitat
Eelgrass Habitat, By Sonia Botos, This webpage will familiarize students with the eelgrass habitat. Students will learn what eelgrass is, why it is important, and how it is related to other organi
Forests of the Sea: Phytoplankton and Marine plants
Forests of the Sea: Phytoplankton and Marine plants, MarineBio Conservation Society, Video length: 03:11. It's awesome!!
Kelp Photographs
Kelp Photographs, Mike Johnson Marine Natural History Photography, Several wonderful photographs; click on one and it will open in another window.
Seagrass Habitat in Tropical Thailand
Seagrass Habitat in Tropical Thailand, Article with photos, description. and information on its productivity, ecosystem, threats, and more.
Seaside Lichens
Seaside Lichens, August 12, 2015, The Ocean Blog, Smithsonian Natural Museum of Natural History, Very few plant species can survive close to the ocean, where pounding surf fills the air with tin
Smooth Cordgrass
Smooth Cordgrass, The Rhode Island Geographic Information System (RIGIS), Fact sheet with photo.
South Gippsland - Victoria - Australia Coastal Plants
South Gippsland - Victoria - Australia Coastal Plants, Pictures and descriptions.
The Bizarrely Named Pigface Flower
The Bizarrely Named Pigface Flower, Written by Scribol Staff, Colorful, close-up photos with descriptions.
The Secret Garden
The Secret Garden, US Forest Service, Interactive activity.