Find photographs and information on plants and vegetation in the Arctic tundra.

A Close-up View of Icelandic Arctic Poppy
A Close-up View of Icelandic Arctic Poppy by Brian Johnston Microscopy UK Photographs illustrating the poppy from the bud stage to a fully opened flower. Amazing pictures!!
Adaptations of Arctic Plants
Adaptations of Arctic Plants Canada Nature Museum Video Length: 4 minutes
Amazing Arctic Moss
Amazing Arctic Moss Canada's Arctic University of Guelph Arctic lakes are inhospitable places for plants. Darkness reigns for at least ten months of the year as sunlight is intercepted by a thi
Arctic Cotton Grass
Arctic Cotton Grass Alien Travel Guide Photo and brief explanation.
Arctic Willow
Arctic Willow Common Name(s): Rock Willow Genus: Salix Species: arctica Salix arctica whose common name is Arctic willow or rock willow can be found in the North American
Arctic Willow: Definition with Arctic Willow Pictures and Photos
Arctic Willow: Definition with Arctic Willow Pictures and Photos Definition of Arctic willow 1. Noun. Low creeping shrub of Arctic Europe and America. Arctic Willow Pictures Click
CalPhotos Arctic Sedge
CalPhotos Arctic Sedge University of California, Berkeley Visit the web site to view photos. Click on the thumbnail to see an enlargement
CalPhotos - Arctic Sedge
CalPhotos - Arctic Sedge University of California, Berkeley Visit the web site for photos; click to enlarge.
Cushion Plants Help Other Plants Survive
Cushion Plants Help Other Plants Survive Feb. 18, 2013, Alpine cushion plants help other plants in harsh mountain environments to survive. This is shown by new research involving
Earth Floor: Biomes - Arctic Tundra: Plants
Earth Floor: Biomes - Arctic Tundra: Plants Exploring the Environment NASA Classroom of the Futureā„¢ @ Wheeling Jesuit University Plants need warmth and sunlight to grow and reproduce. In the A
Photograph: Tundra Lichen
Photograph: Tundra Lichen Mark Meyer Photography Photo taken at Lake Clark National Park, Alaska.
Plant Adaptations
Plant Adaptations Missouri Botanical Gardens Click on the different biomes or areas to learn about them and some of the adaptations plants have to live there.
Tundra Plants - Blue Planet Biomes
Tundra Plants, Blue Planet Biomes, Use the menu on the left side of page to access information on tundra plants.
World's Smallest Tree Ever - Dwarf Willow
World's Smallest Tree Ever - Dwarf Willow The Longest List What is the world's smallest tree? The world's smallest tree calls the frozen Arctic tundra home. The Dwarf Willow, is that tree, rea