Plants in the coniferous, or taiga, forests are mainly cone-bearing spruce, fir and pine evergreens that can tolerate the cold temperatures.

Boreal Forests of the World - Trees
Boreal Forests of the World - Trees,, Scroll down for the specie names; click a name for photo and description.
Evergreen,, Article with images; click to enlarge.
Starflower, By Larry Stritch, USDA Forest Service, Provides a profile of the herb, photo (click for closer look), and map showing distribution.
Taiga Plants - Blue Planet Biomes
Taiga Plants, West Tidbury Elementary School, Blue Planet Biomes, Created by students for students; has photo and description of taiga plants.
What are Evergreen Trees?
What are Evergreen Trees?, Written by S.E. Smith,, Article with one image you can zoom into.
World Boreal Forests - Shrubs, Herbs and Other Plants
World Boreal Forests - Shrubs, Herbs and Other Plants,, Scroll down for the specie names; click a name for photo and description.