Find photos and information on plants in the tundra alpine.

Bearberry Elisabeth Benders-Hyde West Tisbury Elementary School Students Bearberry is commonly found in dry, non-nutrient soils such as sand, soils on rock outcrops an
CalPhotos Blue Alpine Phacelia
CalPhotos Blue Alpine Phacelia � 1999 California Academy of Sciences Visit the web site for the photo.
Dryas octopetala
Dryas octopetala Dryas octopetala (common names include mountain avens, white dryas, and white dryad) is an arctic-alpine flowering plant in the family Rosaceae. I Visit the web
Flora of the Tundra - Part II
Flora of the Tundra - Part II Uploaded by enviromatt2009 on Mar 4, 2009 Video length: 06:34 minutes.
Great Basin National Park - Bristlecone Pines
Great Basin National Park - Bristlecone Pines National Park Service Department of the Interior Great Basin Bristlecone pines (Pinus longaeva) are remarkable for their great age and their abilit
High Elevation Plants
High Elevation Plants By ENOW2008 January 29, 2009 Video length: 01:02.
Lichens and Wildlife
Lichens and Wildlife by Stephen Sharnoff and Roger Rosentreter Mary banged hard at the base of the tree to alert the flying squirrel before she began climbing, but the squirrel didn'
Luxuriant Beargrass
Luxuriant Beargrass The Lewis and Clark Fort Mandan Foundation, Washburn, North Dakota There is a great abundance of a speceis of bear-grass which grows on every part of these mountains," wrot
Moss Campion
Moss Campion Created by Elisabeth Benders-Hyde Content by West Tisbury Elementary School students © Brynn Schaffner and Kenneth Robinson Genus: Silene Species: ac
Mountain Dryad (Dryas octopetala hookeriana)
Mountain Dryad (Dryas octopetala hookeriana) Uploaded on March 20, 2009 by danielle_philli A clear, sharp photo of a plant that grows in the alpine tundra.
NOVA Online: Methuselah Tree
NOVA Online: Methuselah Tree NOVA news minutes - video clip Welcome to the companion Web site to "Methuselah Tree," originally broadcast on December 11, 2001. Marked by striking image
Southwest Colorado Wildflowers - Silene acaulis (Moss Campion)
Silene acaulis (Moss Campion) Southwest Colorado Wildflowers Silene acaulis (Moss Campion) Caryophyllaceae (Pink Family) Alpine. Tundra. Summer. Madden Peak, June 23, 2004. Moss Campi
Too much nitrogen reduces Alpine plant diversity
Too much nitrogen reduces Alpine plant diversity, April 15, 2015, By Tim Radford, Climate News Network, Carbon dioxide isn't the only greenhouse gas to change the world. Swiss scientists have
Tundra Plant Life
Tundra Plant Life West Warwick Public Schools The Tundra has a lot of plant life within this biome. Some common plants include the bearberry, arctic moss, Caribou moss, Diamond leaf willow, Labr
What is Bear Grass?
What is Bear Grass? Written by S.E. Smith Bear grass is a flowering perennial plant in the lily family. It can be found in many parts of North America, usually in the subalpine zo
What's It Like Where You Live? Tundra Plants
What's It Like Where You Live? Tundra Plants Missouri Botanical Garden During the short-growing season in the summer, the tundra blooms with a variety of low-growing plants. So what plant life is