Plants in coastal wetlands include mangrove, cattails, sedges, tamarack, black spruce, cypress, and others.

Cattail Texas A&M University AquaPlant Visit the web site for photographs.
Cattails (Typha species)
Cattails (Typha species), "Wildman" Steve Brill, Photos of and information on its mature and immature flower heads, leaves, and consumption.
Common//Giant Reed
Common//Giant Reed, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, PDF file with text and photos.
Cypress Trees
Cypress Trees, by Rick Mark, University of Southern Indiana, Large pictures and information on the trees.
Sawgrass, Marsh Bunny Notes, Article with photos.
Smooth cord grass
Smooth cord grass, Center for Aquatic & Invasive Plants, University of Florida, Images (click to enlarge) and a 2-3 minute video on the grass.
What are phytoplankton?
What are phytoplankton?, by David Herring, Earth Observatory, Article with photos, map, and illustration.
What are Reeds?
What are Reeds?, Written by S.E. Smith,, All-text article.