Wetlands can be marshes, swamps, fens, bogs, or peatlands; each has its own type of plants that exist in that area. Find out which types of plants live in the wetlands.

Common Duckweeds
Common Duckweeds, By Scott Hagood, Department of Plant Pathology, Physiology and Weed Science, Virginia Tech, Photos with descriptions.
EEK! Vegetation Fascination - Wetland Plants
EEK! Vegetation Fascination - Wetland Plants, Environmental Education for Kids, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, There are plants that like wetlands; read about them here.
Flora and Fauna of the Okefenokee Swamp
Flora and Fauna of the Okefenokee Swamp By Richard J. Lenz SherpaGuides.com Photos and descriptions of plants and animals that inhabit the Okefenokee swamp.
Freshwater Marsh Plants
Freshwater Marsh Plants, The Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Plant photos with descriptions.
Plant Zonation in Wetlands
Plant Zonation in Wetlands, Offwell Woodland & Wildlife Trust, Wetlands have zones where certain kinds of plants live in certain areas; read about it here.
Plants Found in Wetlands
Plants Found in Wetlands, Inchinapinch.com, Inch in a Pinch's page on wetlands has photos and descriptions of some wetland plants.
Sawgrass, Marsh Bunny Notes, Photos and description.
Shallow Waters
Shallow Waters, Chesapeake Bay Program, "Along the Chesapeake Bay's shoreline is an area of incredible biological activity: the shallows." Click on a critter to learn about it.