Find information on the plants and vegetation in the tropical grasslands of South America.

ARKive Common reed Video
ARKive Common reed Video There are four brief videos and information on the common reed.
Cattail, Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, Nice photo, illustration, and description.
Pampa Plants
Pampa Plants, West Tisbury Elementary School Students,, Created by students for students; includes a description and small photo.
Plants of the Pampas
Plants of the Pampas By Katie Nguyen and Joye Chen
What are Water Lilies?
What are Water Lilies?, Written by S.E. Smith,, Article with several photos; click for a closer look.
What is Pampas Grass?
What is Pampas Grass?, Written by S.E. Smith,, All-text article.