The Arctic is one of the coldest deserts on earth. Plants grow close to the ground and each other, have shallow roots, and include the Arctic willow shrub, lichen and moss.

Arctic Plants Have Adjusted to Climate Changes
Arctic Plants Have Adjusted to Climate Changes, By ANDREW C. REVKIN, Published: June 14, 2007, New York Times, Do arctic plants shift their location to find climate conditions that are better su
Arctic Plants: Long distance migrants
Arctic Plants: Long distance migrants, June 15th, 2007, By Doug O'Harra, Far North Science, "As the Arctic warms up, will plants migrate fast enough to find suitable habitats?" This article disc
Arctic trees will make things warmer
Arctic trees will make things warmer, By Alexandra Witze, December 15, 2009,, "Vegetation feedback effect amplifies climatic changes." Visit the website for the article.
Flowers of the Arctic
Flowers of the Arctic, Canadian Arctic, Some of the photos are not named; click on any to enlarge.
How Arctic Plants Survive
How Arctic Plants Survive,, Arctic plants have several adaptations that enable them to survive under a layer of snow; this article describes them.
Purple saxifrage on Flickr
Purple saxifrage on Flickr, by oceanbaby,, Visit the web site for the picture.