You might think that all of Australia is a desert, but the desert lies in the interior part of the country. It is not a dry, arid desert; it gets rain but it's sporadic. Native plants include conifers, daisies, eucalpts, ferns, fins, hibiscus, and palms.

Australian Flora
Australian Flora A list of Australia's flora, with descriptions.
Australian flowers - plants - trees
Australian flowers - plants - trees Visit the web site for photos; click on any plant for a larger version.
Australian Native Plants
Australian Native Plants Click on a name on the left side to view an image and description.
Desert Flowers.mp4
Desert Flowers, Western Australia Desert, By vonkabyte, Video length: 04:03.
Kids.Net.Au - Encyclopedia - Australian Flora
Kids.Net.Au - Encyclopedia - Australian Flora, Encyclopedic article for younger students.
Ruby Saltbush
Ruby Saltbush Ruby Saltbush, ant food Visit the web site for photo.