The Chihuahuan Desert has plants like the Fishhook Cactus, Honey Mesquite, or Prickly Bear Cactus. The Mohave has many plant specie not found in the other adjoining deserts; the Mohave Yucca, Creosote Bush, Big Sagebrush, and Blackbush are common. The Sonoran Desert is the hottest of the four but moisture from the Pacific coast provides rain for plants and shrubs. Plants include the Barrel Cactus, Brittlebush, Octollo, Beaked Yucca, and Soaptree Yucca.

10 Amazingly Beautiful Cactus Flowers
10 Amazingly Beautiful Cactus Flowers, By Contributing Writer Scribol, Amazing photos, with descriptions, of flowering cactus worldwide.
Adaptations of Desert Plants
Adaptations of Desert Plants, McGraw-Hill School, Grade 3, Animation of adaptations desert plants have to protect them from animals and collect water followed by an interactive quiz.
Arizona Sonora Desert Digital Library
Arizona Sonora Desert Digital Library, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, The Library has a collection of images for 6626 species. Click on a plant name for more photos and information.
Barrel Cactus
Barrel Cactus,, Article with photos.
Brittlebush - Encilia farinosa
Brittlebush - Encilia farinosa,, Has a photo and provides information on its range, flowers, and habitat.
Cactus Gallery
Cactus Gallery, Biology Department, University of Edinburgh, Click on an image for more images and description.
Chain Fruit Cholla
Chain Fruit Cholla CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley Visit the web site for photos.
Chain Fruit Cholla Cactus
Chain Fruit Cholla Cactus, arizona webworks, Several photo and description of the plant's fruit, flowers, and structure.
Chain Fruit Cholla Jumping Cholla
Chain Fruit Cholla Jumping Cholla,, Several good photos and information on its structure and range.
Chihuahuan Desert Plant List
Chihuahuan Desert Plant List, Centennial Museum & Chihuahuan Desert Gardens Natural and Cultural History, University of Texas, El Paso, Click on plant name for images and descriptions.
Creosote Bush
Creosote Bush, American Southwest, Visit the web site to see photo.
Creosote Bush
Creosote Bush,, Description and photos of the plant plus information on its range, habitat, flowers and fruit.
Creosote Image
Creosote Image Visit the web site to see the photo.
Death Valley Area Plants
Death Valley Area Plants, Click on plant name for image and description.
Desert - A Set on Flickr
Desert - A Set on Flickr, Uploaded by Planeta, Click on a photo to enlarge.
Desert Indian Paintbrush
Desert Indian Paintbrush By Michael L. Charters,, Sierra Madre, CA, Description of the plant and three large photos.
Desert Plant Videos
Desert Plant Videos Movies are available on plants or wildflowers.
Fall-Blooming Plants of the East Mojave
Fall-Blooming Plants of the East Mojave,k Copyright 2003-2004 Michael L. Charters, Sierra Madre, CA, Visit the web site for close-up photos.
Fish-Hook Cactus
Fish-Hook Cactus, by Lorena Babcock Moore,, Several close-up photos of the fish-hook.
Fishhook cactus
Fishhook cactus, Copyright @ 2001-8 by Jay Sullivan, Visit the web site to see the photo.
Flowers VG - Desert Plants
Flowers VG - Desert Plants Picture of desert cactus plants; click on an image for more views.
Giant Saguaro Cactus
Giant Saguaro Cactus, Discover Southeast Arizona, Saguaros grow slow but they can grow for 100 years and live for 200 years. Learn more interesting facts and view several excellent photos of the c
Hedgehog or Claret Cup Cactus
Hedgehog or Claret Cup Cactus,, Two nice photos and description of the plant.
Honey mesquite
Honey mesquite, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, University of Texas at Austin, Photograph and description.
How Plants Cope with the Desert Climate
How Plants Cope with the Desert Climate, Mark A. Dimmitt, Director of Natural History, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, "Desert plants have developed three main adaptive strategies: succulence, dro
Mexican Hat
Mexican Hat,, Photos and description; click on the second one down for a larger close-up view.
Mohave Desert Plants Video
Mohave Desert Plants, By Mark Allen Channel, Video length: 01:47.
Mother of Thousands (Mexican Hat Plant)
Mother of Thousands (Mexican Hat Plant) Visit the web site for photo.
Nature Study in the Sonoran Desert
Nature Study in the Sonoran Desert, By Michael J. Plagens,, A Guide to the Flora and Fauna, Arizona, USA & Sonora, Mexico. Click on a plant or animal name for description and imag
Ocotillo,, Information on its range, habitat, and flowers; also has several close-up photos.
Plant Adaptations
Plant Adaptations, Missouri Botanical Gardens, Click on the different biomes or areas to learn about them and some of the adaptations plants have to live there.
Plants and Animals of the Sonoran Desert
Plants and Animals of the Sonoran Desert,, A Project involving North Chadderton School in the U.K. and two schools in Phoenix, Arizona. Use the pull-down menu to select a plant or
Prickly Pear Cactus
Prickly Pear Cactus,, Several good photos and plant information.
Prickly Pear Cactus Movie
Prickly Pear Cactus Movie Video Length: 02:27.
Saguaro Cactus
Saguaro Cactus,, Provides several pictures and description of the cactus and its habitat.
Soaptree Yucca
Soaptree Yucca,, Information on its range, habitat, and flowers; has two small photos.