Antarctic (Southern) Ocean
'Noisy' Icebergs Could Mask Whale Calls
'Noisy' Icebergs Could Mask Whale Calls, December 4, 2013, By Tia Ghose, Staff Writer, Live Science The sounds of icebergs calving make the oceans a noisier place, which could make it more dif
A Drone for the Environment
A Drone for the Environment, By Shirley Lin, Nov. 17 2014, The Atlantic, "This biodegradable vehicle, developed to protect sensitive ecosystems, invited a closer look at the positive uses of d
Greenland ice sheet secret revealed: a chasm rivaling the Grand Canyon
Greenland ice sheet secret revealed: a chasm rivaling the Grand Canyon, By Geoffrey Mohan, August 30, 2013, Los Angeles Times, A canyon underneath Greenland's ice sheet as long as the Grand Ca
Life in the Polar Regions
Life in the Polar Regions Posted by dizzo95 Great video! 1:66 minutes long.
Polar Oceans in Transition
Polar Oceans in Transition ScienceDaily (Oct. 4, 2011) "Polar bears will be affected by climate change in the Arctic and Antarctic, but so will India's iconic tigers and elephants." Visit the w
Polar Oceans: The Arctic and Southern Oceans
Polar Oceans: The Arctic and Southern Oceans Windows To The Universe National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA) Polar oceans are different than other oceans on earth. Visit the website
Poles Apart: A Tale of Two Oceans
Poles Apart: A Tale of Two Oceans Beyond Penguins & Polar Bears "At the opposite ends of the earth lie the Arctic and Southern Oceans. Don't know much about them? You're in good company. These t
Poles apart? Antarctic sea ice hits record high while the Arctic's keeps melting
Poles apart? Antarctic sea ice hits record high while the Arctic's keeps melting, Oct. 21, 2014, By Janet Davison, CBC News, Ice scientists say both situations result from climate change It
Same Species Found at Both Ends of Earth
Same Species Found at Both Ends of Earth LiveScience Staff 15 February 2009 "Scientists have determined that at least 235 species live in both polar seas." Visit the website for a photo and
The Arctic and Antarctic
The Arctic and Antarctic "The mystery and forbidding magnificence of the polar regions have fascinated scientists and explorers throughout history. The Arctic Ocean is found at the N
The Birth of a Glacier
The Birth of a Glacier By Calvin & Rosanna Hamilton "What does it take to grow a glacier?" Visit the website to discover how. Use the menu at the top of the page to learn abou
The Incredible Ice Slot Canyon of New Zealand's Franz Josef Glacier
The Incredible Ice Slot Canyon of New Zealand's Franz Josef Glacier, Written by Michele Collet, Scribol Staff, Seven magnificent photos, with descriptions.
When an Iceberg Melts, Who Owns the Riches Beneath the Ocean?
When an Iceberg Melts, Who Owns the Riches Beneath the Ocean? April 2013, By Amy Crawford, Smithsonian Blog "The promise of oil has heated up a global argument over the Arctic's true borders"
Where are icebergs formed?
Where are icebergs formed? Curiosity @ Answered by Discovery Channel A 05:13 minute video.