Find out what plants are at the bottom of the ocean food chain.

Algal Blooms in the Ocean
Algal Blooms in the Ocean Water Encyclopedia Algae is a plant that's at the bottom of marine food chains. Lean more about it and its famous blooms here.
Art from Space: Phytoplankton Bloom
Art from Space: Phytoplankton Bloom By LiveScience Staff posted: 08 March 2010 Blooms of phytoplankton are often visible by satellites, and a new image released by NASA shows a particularly art
Backbone of marine food chain in alarming decline
Backbone of marine food chain in alarming decline Jeremy Hance July 28, 2010 Tiny marine algae, known as phytoplankton, are the backbone of the marine food chain, yet a new study
Climate Change Reduces Nutritional Value Of Algae
Science Daily, March 14, 2009, All-text article.
dinoflagellate, Internet Encyclopedia of Science, by David Darling, Illustration and article on the anatomy of dinoflagellates.
Fitting Algae Into the Food Web
Fitting Algae Into the Food Web Text and illustrations on algae; there's also an interactive food chain game.
Food Chain
Food Chain, Online Digital Education Connection Project, Article explaining phytoplankton's role in the food chain.
Massive 40% decline in ocean's phytoplankton puts entire food chain under threat
Massive 40% decline in ocean's phytoplankton puts entire food chain under threat DailyMail, UK Microscopic marine algae which form the basis of the ocean food chain are dying at a terrifying rat
Phytoplankton, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, Brief description of diatoms, dinoflagellates, coccolithophores, phytoflagellates, and photosynthetic bacteria.
Phytoplankton in the sea
Phytoplankton in the sea, Open University, June 25, 2008, Video length: 06:08.
Plant plankton
Plant plankton, By Maggy Wassilieff. Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, All-text pages explaining plant and animal plankton.
Role of Phytoplankton in an Ecosystem
Role of Phytoplankton in an Ecosystem, By Jay Leone,, All-text article.
Stresses on Global Phytoplankton
Stresses on Global Phytoplankton, Uploaded by BrunoTheQuestionable, May 28, 2009,, Video length: 9 minutes.
The secret life of plankton
The secret life of plankton, Uploaded by GraffitiTimez,, Amazing video!! Video length: 06:05.
Vital ocean phytoplankton a casualty of global warming?
Vital ocean phytoplankton a casualty of global warming?, July 28, 2010, Christian Science Monitor, A two-page article with one illustration.
What are Dinoflagellates?
What are Dinoflagellates?, Written by Michael Anissimov,, All-text article.
What are Phytoplankton?
What are Phytoplankton?, Earth Observatory,, A combination of text, photos, and maps,
What Are the Different Types of Phytoplankton?
What Are the Different Types of Phytoplankton?, Updated by Rachelle Dragani, August 17, 2018,, Article on diatoms and their features, dinoflagellates and their types, and microflag
What is plankton?
What is plankton?,, Brief all-text explanation .