Food chains and food webs illustrate how different specie get energy. Plants are the basis for energy that flows through a food web. Chaparral plants include trees, bushes, and flowers.

Autotrophs, Windows to the Universe, Image and article that describes how autotrophs make their own food.
Blazing Star
Blazing Star, EEK! Environmental Education for Kids, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Photos and description for younger students.
California Sagebrush
California Sagebrush Nice close-up picture.
CalPhotos, University of Berkeley, California, Several excellent photos of the chaparral yucca and other species; click on thumbnail for an enlargement.
Chaparral and Riparian Plants
Chaparral and Riparian Plants San Diego State University College of Sciences Visit the web site to view photos.
Chaparral Plants
Chaparral Plants, Tisbury Elementary School Students,, Created by students for students, this is the page for photos and information on the plants in the chaparral.
Common Chaparral Plants
Common Chaparral Plants, Biology 100 Concepts of Biology, Introduction to the Chaparral, Click on a plant name to view description; some have photographs.
Common Deerweed, California Broom Fabaceae
Common Deerweed, California Broom Fabaceae, by Michael L. Charters,, Description and several close-up photos.
Common Sagebruse
Common Sagebruse, By Lynn Roebuck,, Visit the web site for photo.
French Broom (Genista monspessulana)
French Broom (Genista monspessulana) Brief article with two photographs; click to enlarge.
King Protea
King Protea Brief article with a gallery of King Protea photographs.
Mediterranean Chaparral Plants
Mediterranean Chaparral Plants Content by West Tisbury Elementary School students,, Created by students, this page gives you access to photos and descriptions of plants in th
Red Fairy Duster, Baja Fairy Duster
Red Fairy Duster, Baja Fairy Duster Desert-Tropicals Pictures and growing tips for the fairy duster.
Salvia apiana (White Sage)
Salvia apiana White sage is a common plant that requires well-drained dry soil, full sun, and little water. The plant occurs on dry slopes in coastal sage scrub, chaparral, and yel
The Chaparral Sage
The Chaparral Sage, By Ry Quail, Really brief video and several really good close-up photographs of various plants.