Brown algae is the dominant plant in the kelp forest but there are others. Discover the other plants that reside in kelp forests.

Introduction to the Rhodophyta
Introduction to the Rhodophyta University of California Museum of Paleontology Photo and description of red algae.
Phaeophyceae: Brown Algae
Phaeophyceae: Brown Algae Photos and descriptions of brown algae that can be found in kelp forests.
Surfgrass Photo
Surfgrass Photo Surf grass is one of several plants that exist in kelp forests.
What are Phytoplankton?
What are Phytoplankton? Earth Observatory Some phytoplankton are bacteria, some are protists, and most are single-celled plants. Among the common kinds are cyanobacteria, silica-encase
Where do we find diatoms?
Where do we find diatoms? Wherever there is water, there are diatoms. They have been thriving for perhaps 500 million years, for their ancestors were among the first living things