Food chains and food webs illustrate how different specie get energy. Plants are the basis for energy that flows through a food web. The deciduous forest has evergreen trees, shrubs, grasses, ferns and moss providing a good energy source for the primary plant eaters. Find out how the energy flows up through the food chain.

American Beech
American Beech, Tisbury Elementary School,, Created by students for students; includes a description and small photo.
Carpet Moss
Carpet Moss, West Tisberry Elementary School, Created by students for students; includes a description and small photo.
Carpet Moss, European Deciduous Forest Plants
Carpet Moss, European Deciduous Forest Plants, West Tisbury Elementary School,, Created by students for students; includes a description and small photo.
Common Plants - Temperate Deciduous Forests
Common Plants - Temperate Deciduous Forests, Use the pull-down menu to view photos and brief descriptions of oak tree, common moss, northern lady fern, and shagbark hickory tree.
Deciduous,, Article with several photos; click to enlarge.
Flowering Dogwood Trees
Flowering Dogwood Trees, By David Beaulieu,, Article and several photos.
Pecan,, Article has a map and several photos; click to enlarge.
Pecan, West Tisbury Elementary School,, Created by students for students; includes a description and small photo.
Red Maple Tree
Red Maple Tree, Cornell Sugar Maple Research & Extension Program, Small image and descriptions of the tree, its bark, twigs, leaves, and fruit.
Tulip Poplar
Tulip Poplar, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, A fact sheet in Pdf. format.
What are Deciduous Trees?
What are Deciduous Trees?, Written by J. Beam,, Article and several photos; click to enlarge.