Plants that make up the coral reef food chain include plankton, algae, and various kinds of sea grasses. Find out how energy starts with plants and flows up the food chain.

Algae Algae (pronounced /ˈældʒiː/; singular alga /ˈælɡə/, Latin for "seaweed") are a large and diverse group of simple, typically autotrophic organisms, ranging from unicel
Beyond the Reef
Beyond the Reef, Australian Museum, This page has links to image galleries of coral reef plankton - drifting organisms, either plant or animal, that are the base of the marine food web.
Carbon Eating Critters
Carbon Eating Critters, Online Digital Eduction Connection Project, Discover everything you ever wanted to know about phytoplankton; their life cycle, habitat, types, and where they fit in the foo
Coral Algae Have Eyes?
Coral Algae Have Eyes, By Matt J. Weiss, July 29, 2009,) Source: Really??? Read about it here.
Coral Algae JPG
Coral Algae JPG,, Awesome image!!
Introduction to the Dinoflagellata
Introduction to the Dinoflagellata, University of California Museum of Paleontology, Two illustrations and description.
Plankton, NatureWorks, New Hampshire Public Television, Image Credits: unless otherwise notedm Here are illustrations and descriptions of plankton you probably never heard of.
Plants and Algae Bermuda's Reefs
Plants and Algae of Bermuda's Reefs, Bermuda Biological Station for Research, and the College of Exploration, Images and information on plants on Bermuda's reefs. Click on an image name to get mo
The Microscopic Beauty Of Diatoms
The Microscopic Beauty Of Diatoms, By Contributing Writer, Scribol staff, Close-up images and descriptions.
What are Phytoplankton?
What are Phytoplankton?, Earth Observatory,, Combination of text, images, and maps. If you click on the names of different phytoplankton in the article, you will be taken to another page