Food chains and food webs illustrate how different specie get energy. Plants are the basis for energy that flows through a food web. The coniferous forest has evergreen trees, shrubs, grasses, ferns and moss providing a good energy source for the primary plant eaters. Find out how the energy flows up through the food chain.

Balsam Fir
Balsam Fir,, Photo and description of its leaves, flowers, fruit, and habitat.
Birch - Wikipedia
Birch,, Article with several photos; click to enlarge.
Black Spruce
Black Spruce, West Tisbury Elementary School,, Photo and article written by students for students.
Boreal Forest Biome
Boreal Forest Biome, Marietta College, Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Wonderful resource!! There are numerous photos of the trees and animals that inhabit boreal forests along w
EEK! Evergreens
EEK! Evergreens, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Photos and information for younger students.
EEK! The Black Spruce
EEK! The Black Spruce, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Illustration and description for younger students.
Ferns of the Cranberra Region
Ferns of the Cranberra Region, By David Nicholls, "This website is about the wild ferns in this part of southeastern Australia: where they grow; their ecology; with many photographs and detailed d
Larch - Wikipedia
Larch,, Article with several photos; click to enlarge.
MykoWeb: Mushrooms, Fungi, Mycology
MykoWeb: Mushrooms, Fungi, Mycology, by Michael Wood,, Photos, photos and more wonderful photos!!
Nancy Today: How to tell how old a balsam fir tree is - YouTube
How to tell how old a balsam fir tree is, By Nancy Today,, Video length: 02:25.
Pine Tree
Pine Tree,, Along with photos, you'll see descriptions of its appearance, types, uses, diseases, care, and interesting facts.
Pine Tree Pictures, Images, Photos and Facts
Pine Tree Pictures, Images, Photos and Facts,, Click on a photo to enlarge.
Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac Information Center
Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac Information Center, by Jim Dunphy, Fast facts, photos, remedies and treatment, and more on poison ivy.
Polytrichum commune - Common Hair Cap Moss
Polytrichum commune - Common Hair Cap Moss, Tree of Life Web Project, Photo and description of its appearance, habitat, distribution, uses, and more.
Real Trees 4 Kids
Real Trees 4 Kids, National Christmas Tree Organization, There's a list of trees on this page; click on the button next to the name of a tree for photos and descriptions.
Spruce, Wikipedia
Spruce,, Article with several photos; click to enlarge.
The Columbine, Colorado's State Flower
The Columbine, Colorado's State Flower, Colorado State Government, Visit the web site for the photo.
TrekNature British Soldier Lichen
TrekNature British Soldier Lichen, Photo by Felipe Mateo and Cristina, Large close-up photo and general lichen description.
What are Evergreen Trees?
What are Evergreen Trees?, Written by S.E. Smith,, Article with image.
What Are the Different Types of Fir Trees?
What Are the Different Types of Fir Trees?, Written by Mary Elizabeth,, All-text article.
What is a Cypress?
What is a Cypress?, Written by S.E. Smith,, All-text article.
White Spruce Tree Information
White Spruce Tree Information, Hidden Springs Tree Farm, LLC,, Photos and descriptions.