Swamps & Marshes
10 Most Beautiful Swamps on Earth10 Most Beautiful Swamps on Earth,
Written by Michele Collet,
Scribol staff,
Great photos, with description.
5 Largest Swamps on Earth from Above5 Largest Swamps on Earth from Above,
Written by tonyleather,
Scribol staff,
The title says it all - view photos of swamps in Russia, Brazil, Sudan, and the U.S.
Crabs Put the Pinch on MarshlandsCrabs Put the Pinch on Marshlands,
September 2011,
Live Science,
Video length: 02:34.
Marshes are being overrun by purple marsh crabs because their main predators, blue crab and finfish, are b
Dynamics of the Salt MarshDynamics of the Salt Marsh,
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources,
A combination of text and photos.
Freshwater MarshFreshwater Marsh,
Labeled illustration and information for younger students.
Freshwater Marshes Freshwater Marshes,
New Hampshire Public Television,
Image Credits: Clipart.com unless otherwise noted,
Visit the web site for photos and description of marshes.
Freshwater MarshesFreshwater Marshes
University of Florida
All-text page (except the photo at the top) describing the freshwater marsh and its soil, along with names of animals and plants that inhabit them.
Plastic Bags Cut Wildlife Populations In Marshland Ecosystems
Plastic Bags Cut Wildlife Populations In Marshland Ecosystems,
April 14, 2015,
By Puneet Kollipara,
Chemical & Engineering News,
Pollution: Conventional and biodegradable plastic bags covering
Salt Marshes Salt Marshes
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Salt marshes are coastal wetlands rich in marine life. They are sometimes called tidal marshes, because they occur in the zone between l
Swamps Swamps,
US Environmental Protection Agency,
A combination of text and photos.
To Survive, Plants Actively Engineer Marsh
To Survive, Plants Actively Engineer Marsh,
February 14, 2013,
Posted by Tim Lucas,
Original Study by Duke University,
Duke (US) - Marsh plants, far from being passive wallflowe
With CO2 Boost, Marshes Can Rise to Meet Flood Risks
With CO2 Boost, Marshes Can Rise to Meet Flood Risks,
December 23, 2015,
By John Upton,
Climate Central,
New research suggests that rising levels of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosph